Log updates
30/06/2010 - 1456
- Rewritten the code of C3DRENESG previous
- Profile with multiple sections to be displayed
- View plant directly in the plant, with the option to click
- New parameters frame, more organized and containing all relevant settings
- New framework error
- New system Pipe Rules
- New Commands
- New parts catalog
08/07/2010 - 1520
- Commands accept that pipes and structures already selected before calling any command
- Command CMenu function
- Possibility of hiding frame errors (leave at least the column rules)
- Coefficient CUTIL editable
- Changed the equation coefficient delay, to become more consistent with the literature
- Fixed bug " Part Runtime Parameter Configuration " to open a new drawing.
It was that XML file should contain the new properties
13/09/2010 - 1801
- Fix bug in command
COFFSET so accept the right alignment...
- Support multi-language also in pipe rules
- Fixed bug with command crecon had it not reference surface, the elevation would be wrong and not reconnected
- Coloring column TM and TP, drainage
- Adding parameter fixed elevation for structures
- Now you can put numerical values in the contribution area
- Fixed bug with TamMax rule that when you open the file, said there was an instance of the object
- Counter violated rules on the worksheet is now in the status bar
19/10/2010 - 2707
- Entire worksheet part was rewritten aiming performance.
Only cells that are actually changed are updated.
- Possibility of multiple networks within a pipenetwork (be careful ! so the spreadsheet is less rigid consistency)
- Preview profile structures with names
- Preview can draw path from upstream to downstream and upstream to downstream, just before the first option
- Possibility to disable the calculation of the excavation, which gives speed, since it makes sense only when the worksheet is completed
- Consistency test network for the calculation has been improved, gaining speed
- Parameters frame was unified, there was no need for two of them
- The spreadsheet can export their values directly into Microsoft Excel !
- The spreadsheet allows the reordering of rows and columns (I'm still looking for a use for it, hehehe)
- New line filters in the " Line "
- Removed buttons replace structure and replace pipes, now all parts list is represented in columns TB and PV.
This saves a lot of time for internal processing, since it is no longer necessary to calculate the content of these lists
- Functions Undo and Redo now only saved but altered cells, gaining performance
- Possibility to divide sections within the worksheet ! ! ! Caution: still cannot undo this action
- Correction calculating the optimal structure
- Independence interface COM (ActiveX) almost complete ! ! still missing in the API.
NET: replace, set style and surface
- Menu " Set All Like This " now appears in the spreadsheet for all editable columns (be careful !)
- The table parameter allows you to group the properties alphabetically and categorized form
- Checking for pipes and structures in parts list improved, now no more problem with the point or comma in the name of the structure
- Numbering process was reviewed now structure furthest from the point of discharge is used as the first network element (as it should be)
- Possibility to disable the color of the columns, you can take one more performance gain on slower machines
- Zoom in also preview the spreadsheet (see the profile parameters)
- Locked elevations of Fund structures and pipes in the downstream, with menu to select the sheet
- Added parameter Cradle pipes had already been asked several times that, so there it is.
CRESUMO faster
- Added the spreadsheet concept structure/pipe current, so even if this is not part of the network parts list be shown on the worksheet.
- Added a button to sort the worksheet rows
- Complemented the help
- Included verification of the slope pipe relative to the pipe downstream.
- Support multi-language: English, soon other languages
19/10/2010 - 2799
- Fixed bug that caused error in the spreadsheet to use the feature to change all values to the same selected row
- Fixed bug that did not apply the coefficient C
- Fixed bub not propagate to recalculate the exchange coefficients
- Fixed calculation multiple the same line
23/11/2010 - 2924
- Zoom independent preview of plant and profile, so you can preview excerpts small
- Pan Zoom on preview of plant
- Numbering of structures in the preview plant
- Acceleration in the calculation (some were removed unnecessary recursion)
- Fixes spelling in help (if you find any errors, let me know)
- Correction column CR that the change did not update the list of parameter CR
- Correction action " Set All Like This " columns for " Area" "ti " drainage
- Adding special treatment for zero structures.
Now, they can be used to wrap pipes CA1 and CA2 for example.
- Adding the item " Set selection like this " in the context menu of the worksheet
- Correct indication of the name of the rule of pipe step structures
- Correction calculating the flow capacity of the full section galleries to double and triple
- Correction in the calculation of the volume of sections double and triple
- Adding FloorTickness = 0.
It's a necessary evil so that in profile the lower level of the structure coincides with the generator pipe (some only represent the generator inner pipe in profile
so to make it right, floortickness must be zero....)
- Adding zoom by mouse wheel in the preview plant and profile
- Change the way the program handles the exchange surface reference pipe and structure
- Two new filters in the " lines "
- Eliminated bug that crashed the program to change the elevation, when a structure was the same locked
- Changed the way the spreadsheet comes flag " Step Correct ", now downstream structure is raised if the downstream depth is decreasing
- Changed the way the spreadsheet breaks a pipe.
Possibly not cause more errors in this function
23/11/2010 - 3065
- Fixed bug that did not define the flow velocity in the pipe to apply the sheet
- Fixed bug that did not update the current section on the worksheet when charging the same after applying
- Fixed bug that updated the rule incorrectly rung to undo an edit in diameter
- Line that has no pipe in the spreadsheet now shows editable values for cell pipes as non-editable.
Before they appeared as editable and could cause runtime error if we tried to set a value on them
- Cross sections of the network, Labels plant, section or profile are clickable to invoke commands
- Zoom in pan plant now draws in real time
- CCREATEALIN can now sink the upstream pipe section when the changes
- Now the spreadsheet can be exported in HTML
- When exporting, the columns come out in the same order they appear on the worksheet (do not know why I did not like that before....)
21/01/2011 - 3135
- Bug fix: when changing the coefficient " C " the last network structure, was not calculated column RULE
- Bug fix: did not update the calculation by changing some parameter sewer
- Now, if a structure is outside the coverage area of a reference surface, the elevation of the land is taken to be 0
- Fix bug with command
CSURF: when selecting the surface by clicking on it, not works
- Bug Fix: When saving parameters parameters frame, the zoom factor of the preview profile was not saved properly
- By changing the unit of measure of a column, the program now automatically updates before it expected to be closed and reopened worksheet
- ZOOMWHEEL system variable also controls the mouse wheel on the preview of the plant and profile
- Ability to draw spreadsheet abstract in the design
- Bug fix: when replacing a pipe through the spreadsheet, it does not replace the material that was in parts list by clicking the apply button
- Change in the calculation equations of dig ditches.
21/01/2011 - 3244
- Support override rule boxes.
Sometimes one or need another box of overlapping rules.
- Fixed bug the rotation of the boxes do not apply when they possessed alignment offset relative to zero.
- New errors indicated in license control
- More error are addressed and informed on the command line.
- Withdrawal the message " Could not insert menu in menu bar "
- Button Minimize can now minimize structures, pipes and depths independently (see parameters in item Worksheet)
- Version indicator in the sheet
- Lines read-only cells that have no pipe
- F1 function key on the worksheet (!)
- Control errors when typing something that cannot be converted to a number
- Fixed bug that interrupted the worksheet double-click a cell calculated
- Highlight the selection generated by the command
- Column COT visible even if is not calculating excavation
- Column CUTIL now has the menu "set as "
- New command: CUPDATE
- Now the rule Step pipe can define a property saying if it contains down-pipe or single step in the pipe connecting to the downstream structure (valid only for sewers)
20/03/2011 - 3276
- Spreadsheet starts ordered (order button) on the basis of the name of the upstream structures
Preview Profile can now represent structures lacking outlet pipe, showing at least the pipes coming this
21/01/2011 - 3361
- Structures drawn with width in preview
- New rule in the spreadsheet: structure without pipes connected C3DCalc not open if you do not have any pipes connected structures
- In preview of the plant has changed the design of structures, adding color to the selected pipe
- Deleted updated extension to recharge
- Bug Fix: Check the exchanged extension pipe section
- Calculation of pipes interference
25/04/2011 - 3364
- Bug fix with the rule of the step pipe and spin structures, it fought in civil 3d 2012
- Bug fix with rule checking extension, it did not check properly the maximum length
- Support Civil 3D 2012! !
18/05/2011 - 3367
- New rule: Rule flow
- New column on the worksheets drainage QIN, which shows the input flow of structures
18/05/2011 - 3376
- New update system
- Simplifying the calculation of hysteresis as a function of slope basin
15/06/2012 - 3632
- Build for Civil 3D 2013! !
- New parameter " skew "
New command
18/10/2012 - 3659
- Implementing new way of calculating hysteresis
18/12/2012 - 627
- First version of C3DRENESG4
- Implementation of the method of calculating the DNIT
- Rewritten everywhere calculation worksheet
- Improved help
- Fixed bugs
- Command
- Increased speed in command
- Improvement of command options
- Pan in the preview profile
- Button to hide the box parameters in the sheet
- Button by vertically spreadsheet
29/01/2013 - 724
- Correction in counting the number of interference pipe column INTERF
- Translations on the menu worksheet drainage lines and sewage
- Fix cursor in the preview to pan
- Fix bug in calculating the tractive tension.
The hydraulic radius was not being calculated.
- Fix bug in getting parameter floor manway round.
- Help framework of choice column not showing the correct topic.
- Framework of choice and formatting columns was renaming columns
- Cells contribution area in the spreadsheet they already have drainage area associated with a polyline, should be read-only
- Choose reference alignment structures in the spreadsheet itseLAMINA
- Correcting errors help
- Creating icons commands gutter
- Correction on the " Minimize " structures for CL and CP, which has no elevation equal to the top of the field
- Option in command
CRESET, which can now change the whole structure for the one that is in the partslist
- Option to set the elevation for top surface coordinate
- Correction in the description of the parameters in the table of parameters.
I was just replicating the property name
- Application failed miserably to implement elevations in top and bottom boxes.
- Thank Autodesk.
- Turned PartFamily Part Description
- To replace a Part, need PartfamilyID and PartSizeID.
If not repeat the partsize, to the part family?
- Why need the GUID for Structures resize? This method now could get away with it?
- Why estrutura.
RimElevation estrutura.
SumpElevation and do not work as they should?
- Why null structure cannot have generic properties of normal structures?
- Not to read enum in xml? is the end
- Rule name in the " SUMP " was appearing wrong.
- Correction in the calculation of dub and triple pipe
- Mode sewer system did not appear in the spreadsheet item network mode
- Correction in setting elevations on CD when it tries to fix spreadsheet and changed the dimensions of the downstream stretch
- If the parts list did not define rules for all partsizes, error occurred while creating the temporary and it remained in the drawing.
- Help screen flow analysis
- Analyze streamflow showed erroneous values for slope 0 %
22/02/2013 - 877
- Gutters can now have segments with opposite slopes.
This will be defined by the profile.
- Command
CDEFSARJ can set gutters on more than one
alignment on the same call (thanks paul for the idea !).
- The spreadsheet allows the screen command
CNUM for editing
numbering type
- Column equivalent width should present values greater than zero
- Triangular gutter width appeared as DB
- Added pictures in tea editing section gutters
- Calculation water height inverted pipes caused error when drawing the preview profile
18/03/2013 - 1036
- Corrected the formula that calculates the height of the wing generic
- Fixed bug reading frame void.
It did not say whether it exists or not.
- Added new button: Expands columns.
See here.
- Increase drastic performance to complete the worksheet after operations that require many changes.
The slowness was caused by the manner in which it was completed, each cell was resized to display the entire value,
that is unnecessary.
But it forced him to add the button mentioned above.
- Editing prompts some commands.
- Verification pipes with drowning (thanks for the tip Alberto !)
- Added the command icon
- Added the command icon
- Added the RIBBON program menu
- Quantification in summary drainage systems and sewage pipes and now separates the existing structures
- Calculating excavation in existing pipes will no longer run.
Returning zero.
- Adjustments to the catalog for structures with chimney render correctly in preview
- Check upper generatrix of the pipe if it is not in the chimney PV
- Adding the current section to the editor sections of spreadsheets
- Now property " Rim to Sump Height " provides the height of ALAS, as shown for manholes, for example.
- Added button Summary in the spreadsheet gutters
- Removal economy populated cells.
It is Note-able the difference in speed and no code reduction
- Contribution area informs the column rules if it was edited manually.
- Fix bug in updating the total area and the sump during the calculation.
- Fix bug when creating triangular gutter section
22/04/2013 - 1751
- Inclusion checking minimum width and minimum height in size pipe
- Inclusion of the exchange layer of the contribution area
- Inclusion to rule over the gutters.
Everything is designed as if it were a new entity type
- Inclusion of a " tracker " in previews
- Inclusion of exit points in the gutter
- Inclusion command CAPAGASARJ to delete a gutter (the alignment is maintained)
- Performance increase in the population of spreadsheets
- Data sources
- Control errors in more columns
- Improvements in the gutters, with the same properties and editor
- More speed when opening the screen sections in the worksheet
- Changes in change propagation of CM and CD
- Re-appended column QSP (full vent section)
09/05/2013 - 2020
- Columns CTMOM and CTJUS added, not to be confused with CT (chain cover)
- Option to show titles or codes in columns.
Use the parameter " Translate titles " in parameters frame
- Buttons download and upload the pipe upstream and downstream at the same time
- Fixed bug command
CRESUMO added the 1751 version
CNUM shows a preview dynamic
CNUM now saves the choices of the command
- Form to choose the coefficient R of the calculation method DNIT
- Solved the bug of not showing the correct name in partsize when using commands that list the parts list
- New problem has been detected and filed a solution
05/06/2013 - 2048
- Column PRFCD added
- Option to use decimal separator view the file C3DRENESG4.ini the item GENERAL/SEPARADORDECIMAL
- Fixed bug when downloading the elevation of downstream when it was much smaller than the elevation amount in pipes
- Added the description field to sections of gutters
- Added setting of decimal coefficient manning
05/06/2013 - 2053
- Removed miscalculation that had water height speed and waste when the flow was zero
- Fixed bug when inverted numbering over a stretch derived from the same structure
09/07/2013 - 2102
- Redesigned icons
- Help reorganized
- New method numbering: by type of structure (Family)
- Now the numbering process stores the template in the Name property numbering pipenetwork
just as it did with the initial numbers
- Possibility to hide columns just by clicking on them and choosing the context menu
- Inclusion of tutorials to correct common errors, eg Could not load file or assembly
- Fixed bug that prevented the graphic design water height in the gutters, when there was undefined values
- Fixed bub in spreadsheet gutters that prevented the design of the plant preview
- Fixed bug in the spreadsheet gutters that do not apply the changes
- Added message "end " to apply values in the worksheet gutters
- Eliminated bug command " Set all like this " in the spreadsheet gutters
- Undo and Redo in gutters reestablished worksheet
20/08/2013 - 2237
- Removed bug that happened to renumber networks when the name of the structures and pipes was close to 128 characters
- Fixed bug that prevented the calculation of the number of rules for structures to network
- Edition equations of rain in the selection screen of the same
- Fixed bug that prevented to by name in the pipes, structures, etc.
When they repeat
- Added option to sort the rows in ascending or descending order
- Bub Removed double-click on the title of the columns of spreadsheets
- Now the worksheet retains the modifications of the buttons
and Layout
- Now when you open the spreadsheet drainage and sewage, if a part size cannot be added,
will only be reported on the screen.
No longer causes
- Option to translate the column headings was moved from parameters frame to the menu " Columns "
- Removed bug when translating the columns in the spreadsheet gutters causing fatal error
- Imperial units of measurement added
- Fixed bug of how the rules are interpreted stair column DEG spreadsheet.
CF then is the rules of the structure downstream to be calculated and not the amount
- Re-added the button
Sort the worksheet drainage and sewage
- Added arrow showing flow to the plant preview in the sheet
- Fixed bug that did not check if the flow QFC was less than QSP by clicking item actual flow flowing lines menu
06/09/2013 - 2238
- Fixed bug with rules showing in command line error "target not found "
- Fixed bug with command CNUM, which reported that a value should be between "Maximum and Minimum.
" NumDigTrecho NumDigRamo and must be between 1 and 10.
Already NumIni must be between -100000 and +100000
09/16/2013 - 2256
- Fixed bug that deleted files VLX unduly
05/10/2013 - 2736
- Added equations for calculating the time of concentration (inlet time) TE and added to the catalog parameters for the calculation function
auto resize the name column of the section
- Error NoPartize now zooms the pipe correctly
- When replacing a pipe, calculate the best section replaces the section of the structures correctly
- Added check for invalid number of columns water height,
- Added highlighted in bold in cells with problem
- Added columns QFC, QIC to show the calculated flows,
IQ and FAQ
flow rates will be adopted (thanks james !)
- Adapted the calculation method of excavation by sections (thanks franks !)
- Added the possibility to hide or show units on the worksheet (thanks
tiago !)
- Corrected the unit of measure that appears in the IQ (thanks james !)
- Added calculation shoring trenches (thanks franks !)
- Added column PRFCM (thanks james !)
- Column PRFJ PRFCD renamed to match the name with PRFCM
- Added parameters ParamK, ParamKN, ParamR, Ltalvegue, Htalvegue, ParamCN,
ParamPR, ParamLC structures for the calculation of the TE and the parameter TaludeVala
- Added report trenching in html or excel
- Ditch width can now be edited in the spreadsheet for special situations
can be treated
- Edited skew parameter of the pipe, to display units (Autodesk: the
Civil 3D does not recognize the unit of measurement...)
CAREA now define the parameter value ", Area of contribution "
- Improved mouse wheel zoom in the previews section, plan and profile
- Fixed bug that erroneously reported width of wing
- Fixed bug calculating the HEX value in the spreadsheet sewer
05/11/2013 - 3610
- Fixed bug in calculation of the overview
- Improved error handling during the action of applying spreadsheet values
- Decreased the time required to apply considerably
- Fixed bug that did not save the distance between sections in pipenetwork
- Language support improved program menu and added in English
- Improved handling of graphs of gutters
- New command:
- Rules improved, no longer need to override the rules of the Civil 3D
(Autodesk, arranges it !)
- New command:
UPDATERULES needed to implement the new rules
- Treatment improves the properties of the cross sections, showing
values categorized form
- Fixed bug with gutters waging is not representative blocks
- Best Treatment elevation by exchanging pipes for larger diameters
- Added NumericUpDown control in type selector decimals Editor
- Added menu structures and menu pipes spreadsheet for drainage and sewage to
facilitate the exchange of existing and new
- Added rule for maximum and minimum width of the trench and the menu item Pipe for
calculating the width in the width of the pipe
- Improved button function
Now it opens a screen with options
- Fixed distance at which the pipe was drawn in the preview section
29/11/2013 - 3886
- Fixed bum with the command
we did not quantify existing structures
- Added a column in editing columns to inform the order in the same worksheet
- Review help to match the images
- Improved command
To create multiple
gutters at the same time as creating profiles in a reference surface
- Fixed bug that rename style unnecessarily adding a suffix "(0)" to the name
13-02-2014 - 3946
- Column SCXA no longer appears if the method of calculation equals DNIT
- When exporting to Excel, now it is configured not to display units, the numbers are handled correctly
- Improved template name editor for the command
now it replaces the macros at the cursor position
01/04/2014 - 4924
Civil 3D 2015 now supported!!!
Now the menu Lines retains the selected filter!!!
Added support for curved pipes!!!
Added support pipes whose insertion point is in the walls of structures and not in the center of structure!!!
- Units and decimal places can be defined for all values in parameters frame
- Fixed bug "Control Sump By" not redesign the outer contour of the structures in profile
- Fixed bug editing the section structure of the sewage
- Fixed bug which did not draw anything on the screen when using the command
- Now you can choose which networks will be listed in the command
- Fixed bug when sorting spreadsheet rows
TR (recurrence time) now can be defined by segment
- Modified Gutter Styles Editor
- Modified the C3DRENESG Rules Editor
- Modified the way of the column editor organizes the column index
- Added item in Columns menu to reorder the columns
- Changed the appearance of spreadsheets drainage, sewage and gutters buttons
- Added buttons to export data
- Adicional tips in columns that have a problem, indicating which columns be checked to fix these problem
- Fixed bug with
CRESET that does not
replaces the section in some cases
- Now you can use the catalog you want!
- Improved management of unnecessary columns in the worksheet drainage.
Some choices of parameters make
some unnecessary columns.
L, H are only necessary
if calculation method is the original method
or TE is different Arbitrated
20/04/2014 - 5140
- Bug fix in the PackageContents.
Xml file.
It made ??it impossible for the program to load in version 2015 correctly
- Bug fix in the CNUM command when pipenetwork has Null Structures
- Added informative balloon to show pipe properties in the spreadsheet
- Bug fix in the selection of gutter section
- Add vertical exaggeration for gutter graphics
- Bug fix: gutters spreadsheet, when double-click a cell
- Now, when exporting the calculated data, you can export the formatting and violated rules
- Add button in Gutters Worksheet to export worksheet to HTML file
- Bug fix in the gutters spreadsheet with mouse up event
30/04/2014 - 5360
Now, multiples surfaces can be displayed in the previews!!!
Now, Apply button define Energy Grade Line and Hydraulic Grade Lane
- Bug fix:
CEDITRULES causes error if anything is selected
- Bug fix:
EDITSARJSTYLES do not select correct item when an alignment was selected
VALA columns are editable only if pipe is a new pipe
- Bug fix: when try to edit TRS,
PVS with more then one line selected
- Bug fix: Min Slope and Max Slope were reversed in pipe rules
(thanks RodoLAMINAo!!!)
21/05/2014 - 5454
- Reorder columns on form load event
- Add new error help: Error: "ErrDefinirComo"
- Double click the section selection screen working as expected
- Small big fix with select surfaces when mouse leaves datagridview control
- Add zoom extents at first load for profile and section previews
- Spreadsheet columns retain units and precision as expected
- Pipe length rules is verified as expected
19/06/2014 - 5582
- Now,
CDRAWPARTS can draw parts in multiples profileviews.
Thank you Lecius for your suggestion!!
- Bug fix:
CDEFSARJ command.
The choice of the surface works as expected.
- Bug fix: Gutters updates no longer create polylines
calculation of HC
(critical height) in
the gutters
COB column was replaced by COBMAX and COBMIN
- The equation for the initial infiltration rate was changed
07/07/2014 - 5713
- Now the drainage and sewage spreadsheet and the gutters spreadsheet has a new
command in the context menu of the columns: Paste from clipboard
- Measure units were extended for more items
- Possibility to change the drive letter where the program reads the serial
- Improved performance of the worksheet to change the selected lines
04/08/2014 - 5801
- The checkbox "Do not show again" on export to Excel or Html works properly now
- Now, "Apply" button redefines the reference alignment as expected
- Added checks that prevent some screens from appearing if there is no alignment, surface or nets in the drawing
- Added check replacing special characters in the name of the network to Export to Excel
- Added check the number of lines greater than the number of clipboard worksheet rows
- Added the
CSETPAR command help
- Added the prefix "TBN2NET_" in the items in the program menu.
In some cases, the lack of this prefix gives fatal error if there is another menu item with the same ID
- Added button to measure distances in drawing on all properties that are linear measures
17/09/2014 - 5922
- Improved management languages??.
Now the CUI command no longer hangs after loading the program into civil 3d 2015
09/11/2014 - 5997
- Fixed bug that did not change the surface of the structure (PVS)
in some cases
- Added parameter Sump Changes to choose
that the property SUMP changes: CM
or CF
- Bub fix with paste from clipboard (paste to wrong columns), tank's lecius!!.
21/01/2015 - 6011
- Fixed bug causing error when changing the reference surface of the structure (PVS) in
spreadsheet when it does not cover the structure.
Now, the rim elevation (CTM) is maintained if it occurs.
Fixed bug that did not saved new sections of trapezoidal gutters/li>
- Now, the selection gutters section screen shows the description of the family
- Modified formulas for calculating the flow (QMI and QMF) and rate contribution (TI and TF) to conform to the shape of the standard.
The results will be exactly the same for TI and TF (tip: Douglas Amaral)
- Fixed bug that prevented the program to correctly read the name of the tubes families.
That also prevented some program functions from working properly.
The error occurs in the catalog for errors, once again....
22/04/2015 - 6233
- Now, main spreadsheet select single cell.
More easy to edit values
- Change the way to edit values in main spreadsheet
- Bug fix on apply values with measurement units
- Fix the equation returns LI
- Fix some column names (VF is VESC, QF is QESC, LF is LAMINA) on this help file
- Added structures heights intervals for calculating the quantities of
Add column to show flow speed at full section in drainage worksheet
19/11/2015 - 6392
- Add closed looping test
- Civil 3D 2016 support
- Added tooltip that shows whether a polyline is associated with some structure
- Fixed bug that prevents the program to load the saved parameters of the sewage networks
12/12/2015 - 6437
- Added button to freeze panes in spreadsheets of drainage and sewage
- Fixed some translations in columns headers
- Added information about offset and elevation to locate pipe trenches
- Fixed bug that hides columns H, DECTAL and LT in drainage worksheet
- Added sheet closing prevention, does not apply when the changes
- Added amount excerpts check for TC column
- Added buttons to select and deselect all items of network selection screen and surfaces to facilitate command CRESUMO
- Add new command:
- Now, when applying drainage sheet, if the hatch of the catchment area does not exist, it is created
- Fixed bug in
CDEFSARJ command that prevents the program to show the section selection screen
- Added the possibility of including style in the HTML files generated by the program
20/04/2016 - 6575
- Fixed calculating the AREATOTAL column
- Added check of incorrect rain equations
- Add preview of contribution area in the plan preview
- Fixed calculation made by CRESUMO command, showing only the values of the last network (Daniel thank you !!!)
- Modified how to check DECMEDTAL, LT and H
11/06/2017 - 8640
- Add support to AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018
- Bug fix with equation editor form
07/09/2017 - 8730
- Bug fix: fatal error when stretch catchment area and GRIDMODE=1
- Added two commands: C3DRENLOADCFG and C3DRENSAVECFG
- Answering requests (many !!) the function of importing column template file has been re-added
- Reformatted column style editor for more control
05/10/2017 - 8800
- Change equation: QESC = Sum(C*CR*A) to QESC=CR*Sum(C*A)
15/01/2019 - 8970
- Added support to Civil 3D 2019
- Bug fix when editing trapezoidal gutter section
24/04/2020 - 8070
- Bug fix in calculation if a point is over an arc
- Add support to Civil 3D 2020
- Fixed bug when reading Civil 3D catchments in CARE command
- Improved Columns Manager
- Added columns X and Y for start structure
- Support for civil 3d 2011,2012,2013 has ended
Added PEAD pipes
- Fixed on-screen help link for adding Parts Family
- Fixed some translations of the English version
2021-03-06 - 9125
- Added support to Civil 3D 2021
- Help review
- Added verification of the top dimension (CTM), depth (PRFM) and bottom dimension (CFM) in the networks, as the surface may not have dimensions, causing NaN numbers (not a number)
2021-10-29 - 9170
- Added support to Civil 3D 2022
2023-01-18 - 9230
- Modified the formula that calculates the QIN, to adapt the method used in the "Instru es T cnicas Rio- guas (2019)", constant
in the book "Drenagem Urbana: Do Projeto Tradicional Sustentabilidade"
- Add support to Civil 3D 2023
2023-08-23 - 9310
- Add support to Civil 3D 2024
2024-08-15- 9690
- Added support for offline licenses
- Fixed bug when applying spreadsheet modifications. If the network was not renumbered, the basins were not updated
- Fixed incompatibility caused by AutoCAD 2024 with the serial identifier. Oh my God Autodesk!!!!
- Added support to dotnet 8
- Added support to Civil 3D 2025
- Added an installer