Drainage Specific Parameters

The following specific parameters are shown for drainage networks. They are shown in Table parameters along with the general parameters of the spreadsheet.

Layer hatch
Layer to set for basin hatches. Each network may have a different layer and is easier to define this layer the worksheet that the CAREA command.

Calculation of TE
Calculation of concentration time at the entrance of the structure.
This parameter serves to inform which equation to use to calculate the time TE, or runoff (inlet time).

In the Basic Manual of hydrology, DNIT (IPR 715), are defined as:
Basin Area
Small < 2.5 km²
Medium to Large > 4.6 to 3476 km²

The equations implemented are:
In all equations:
TE, will be given in minutes
LT, length of thalweg, will be given in kilometers
H, the thalweg elevation, will be given in meters
DECTAL, average slope of the thalweg is given in (m/m) or dimensionless.

Recurrence Time.
It's time to recurrence of rain, or the time it takes to repeat a rain of equal intensity and duration. According to Cetesb (São Paulo, Brazil) ranges from 2 to 10 years:

Location Years
Residential 2
Commercial 5
Areas with public buildings, airports 2-5
Areas highly valued 5-10

In general municipalities impose this value. Always search for the mayor of the municipality where the work will be executed if they recommend these parameters.

DNIT recommends 15 years for works to existing and 25 new.

Constant TR
There are situations where we need to design the principal collectors with TR value greater than that of the secondary branches. Use this parameter to enable editing of the TR column in the spreadsheet drainage.

Rain Equation
To calculate drainage networks, it is necessary to define some parameters. The basic equation of rain to be used.
In the spreadsheet, you will find at the bottom left, the parameters frame where to change these parameters:

Clicking the item "Equation", click the button with three dots and opens a table with all the available equations:

Just select the corresponding row. You can also edit the equation in the selection screen and delete, or add equations.

When editing equations, Take care to write them correctly, so it can be evaluated.

equation must always be a function of recurrence time (Tr) in years and Concentration Time  (tc) in minutes. The answer (I) should be given in mm/h .

To get the natural logarithm of a number, use log (n) and to get the logarithm base 10, use log10 (n).

A good tip is to use the program pluvio 2.1, is a specific software for equations of rain throughout Brazil. Download pluvio.

Another source for finding the equations of rain is the page: http://tbn2net.appspot.com/procuraEQ

Calculation method
According to some authors, formulas based on rational method exhibit a hysteresis (CR) lower than 1. It is as if the rational method super size flow in large areas of contribution. The C3DRENESG implements three ways to calculate this coefficient:
  1. Original Method
    This method is implemented since the first version of C3DRENESG. The equation that returns CR is:

    cr = A ^ (- 1/n)


    A, is the watershed area in hectares, 
    n, is a function of the slope of the basin:
    Slope n Author
    <5/1000 4 Bürkli - Ziegler
    <1/100 5 Mc Math
    > 1/100 6 Brix
  2. Method Brasilia
    This method is used by the offices of Brasilia - DF (Brazil) and the equation that returns CR is:

    cr = A ^ (- k)


    A, is the area in hectares of the basin

    values of k:
    Area (ha) k
    0 - 10 0.0
    10 - 50 0.05
    50 - 150 0.1
    > 150 0.15

    If necessary, you can edit this table by clicking the item "delay coefficient"
  3. Method DNIT
    For sizing made using the method of DNIT, check manual drain of the same
    The equation that returns CR is:
    cr = A ^ (- 0.15)


    A, is the area of basin
    Note: that the equation is only valid for A greater than 1 hectare. For smaller values than 1 hectare, take CR = 1

All these values can be saved to the C3DRENESG.ini file, to be reused in other projects. To do this click the right mouse button on the box parameters and click: