Basin | Area |
Small | < 2.5 km² |
Medium to Large | > 4.6 to 3476 km² |
Land | vk |
Land sandy clay, covered with dense vegetation, high absorption | 2.0 |
common ground, overgrown, appreciable absorption | 3.0 |
Land clay, covered with vegetation, average absorption | 4.0 |
Land soils, vegetation average, poor absorption | 4.5 |
Land with rock, sparse vegetation, low absorption | 5.0 |
Rocky terrain, sparse vegetation, reduced absorption | 5.5 |
Location | Years |
Residential | 2 |
Commercial | 5 |
Areas with public buildings, airports | 2-5 |
Areas highly valued | 5-10 |
Slope | n | Author |
<5/1000 | 4 | Bürkli - Ziegler |
<1/100 | 5 | Mc Math |
> 1/100 | 6 | Brix |
Area (ha) | k |
0 - 10 | 0.0 |
10 - 50 | 0.05 |
50 - 150 | 0.1 |
> 150 | 0.15 |