
This command sets the contribution area of a structure. Caution! By using, it informs its PipeNetwork is a network of drainage!! Even if you've already calculated it as Sewer network!!

It NO DRAWS THE AREA OF CONTRIBUTION AUTOMATICALLY how many ask me, the following: in subdivisions usually defining "roof" as the contribution area:

Of course in transpositions of highways for example, we can use the WhaterSheds feature to help the drawing of polylines.

When using this command, you are prompted to select a structure, then a polyline.

If the structure already has an associated contribution area, or polyline is already associated with some structure, command informs the situation and ends.

If no error occurs, a hatch is created using this polyline:

You can change the scale of the hatch, type, layer, etc. In C3DRENESG.ini file, change this parameters: Note: that these are the default values.

See also: Deleting contribution area: CDELA.