
Here is the list of all commands implemented in C3DRENESG:

Pipes and Structures:

  1. CList, list pipe or structure properties
  2. CEditRules, Edit C3DRENESG rules
  3. MergePipeNetworks, Joins two pipenetworks in one
  4. SplitPipeNetwork, Splits a pipenetwork in two
  5. SwapStruct, Replaces selected structures
  6. CReset, Resets the styles, rules or sections
  7. SwapPipe, Replaces selected pipes
  8. Crot, Rotates structures
  9. Calin, Sets the reference alignment
  10. CCalcEsconsidade, calculates and sets the skew
  11. Csurf, defines the reference surface
  12. CNUM, renumbers the network
  13. COffset, defines the distance of structure in relation to its reference alignment
  14. Carea, associate structure with an contribution area
  15. Cajusta, adjust pipe start/end location
  16. ceditcatchstyles, edit c3drenesg4 catchment styles
  17. CdelA, removes the association to contribution area
  18. CRecon, reconnects the pipes to structures
  19. C3DCalc, spreadsheet calculation
  20. CResumo, Generates a summary of all pipenetworks
  21. CDrawParts, draws selected parts on the profileview
  22. CPropfParts, draws selected parts on the selected profileviews
  23. CreateAlignFromNetwork, draw alignment between selected parts.
  24. CCreateAlin, create alignments for entire network.
  25. UpdatePartsList, refreshes the parts list with the new catalog.
  26. UpdateRules, updates rules design for the new rules system
  27. CSetPar, Updates the properties of structures and pipes


  1. CEditSecaoSarj, create or edit gutter sections
  2. CDefSarj create gutter from alignment
  3. CSarjeta, gutters spreadsheet calculation
  4. SarjAddNo, add an output or entry in the gutter
  5. SarjDelNo, delete an output or entry in the gutter
  6. EditSarjStyles, edit gutters styles
  7. SarjProps, edit gutter properties
  8. CapagaSarj, erase gutters


  1. CHELP, Opens this help
  2. CMenu, force menu and toolbar to appear
  3. C3DRENESGABOUT, show information about the program
  4. C3drenSaveCfg, Save C3DRENESG4 settings
  5. C3drenLoadCfg, Load C3DRENESG4 settings