
This command lists the properties of the selected structure or pipe. It will be useful when you have problems with the catalog and helps to discover possible errors in these properties. For example, for a list it any structure:
Command: Select a clist object:
WTh = 100 mm (Wall Thickness)
FTH = 100 mm (Floor Thickness)
SBSH = 2975 mm (Structure Height)
SBSD = 1000 mm (Diameter Structure)
SRS = 2875 mm (Rim to Sump Height)
SBH = 0 in (Barrel Height)
SID = 800 mm (Inner Structure Diameter)
SFH = 0 in (Frame Height)
SFD = 0 in (Frame Diameter)
SFL = 0 in (Frame Length)
SFW = 0 in (Frame Width)
SVPC = 200 mm (Vertical Pipe Clearance)
SBPC = 0 in (Barrel Pipe Clearance)
SCH = 0 in (Cone Height)
SSTH = 0 in (Slab Thickness)
Cini = 10 l/s (Initial Contribution)
CoefC = 10 (Run Off)
CoefTC = 10 min (Time of Concentration)
Mat = Undefined Material (Material)
SBS = BoundingShape_Cylinder (Structure Shape)
SF = Undefined (Frame)
SG = Undefined (Grate)
SC = Undefined (Cover)
SID = 800 mm (Inner Structure Diameter)
SRS = 2875 mm (Rim to Sump Height)
PDom = Structure_Domain (Part Domain)
PTyp = Struct_Junction (Part Type)
PSTYP = Undefined (Part Subtype)
PrtNm = PV_Redondo (Part Name)
PRTD = PV_Redondo (Part Description)
PrtID = FDA76CB5 - 8CB6 - 93C6 - 4CD0 - 2F888139B47A (Part ID)
Dver = 2.0 (Data Version)
CntTy = 4 (Content Type)
HPrtF = False (Hide Part Flag)
SBS = BoundingShape_Cylinder (Structure Shape)
WTh = 100 mm (Wall Thickness)
FTH = 100 mm (Floor Thickness)
CusSF = False (Custom Sizing Flag)
SVPC = 200 mm (Vertical Pipe Clearance)
CatID = F1FEBE2D - D589 - 4f85 - BF8E - 650ED06A5EA5 (Catalog ID)
PrtSN PVR = 800 mm (Part Size Name)
BdyD1 = 1000 mm (Body Diameter 1)
SBSD = 1000 mm (Diameter Structure)
SBSH = 2975 mm (Structure Height)
LenB1 = 2975 mm (Cylinder Body Height)
CSP = False (Custom Size)
Cini = 10 l/s (Initial Contribution)
CoefC = 10 (Run Off)
CoefTC = 10 min (Time of Concentration)
Mat = Undefined Material (Material)
SF = Undefined (Frame)
SG = Undefined (Grate)
SC = Undefined (Cover)

You'll know when the problem has values that appear in "NET API" are different from the values of the "COM API"

It is for this reason that the program does not support the civil 3d 2010... It gives different! ! the 2010 is a conversion of units should not do!! Autodesk, what is it??