This command numbers the structures and pipes.
When activating this command, you are prompted to select a PipeNetwork.
It is necessary that network passes in the consistency test.
If a network does not pass, will be informed on the command line
the motive.
If the network pass in the test, open this screen:
The numbering may be of several types:
In this mode, the program will number structures starting from the farthest
the discharge point, the number assigned to that start and down to this.
The numbers will be incremented by one.
If the next structure to be numbered receives more than a pipe entering the numbering jumps
to the farthest point upstream of this structure and comes down to it.
Proceeding hence
to the point of discharge or until a different structure that has more than a pipe upstream.
Thus, the flow always occurs from a greater number to less number.
In the spreadsheet we can identify a change in extension when the column that tells the numbering
the section has a pair of numbers whose difference is different by one.
By Stretch
In this numbering mode, the program will start in the structure furthest assigned to this
the number ONE, and define this branch with the initial number.
Numbering follows them to the point of discharge,
incrementing the frame number by one unit for each frame.
When you reach the point of discharge,
the numbering restarts in the second branch structures farthest from the discharge point of assigning the number
ONE to this and increasing the extension number by one.
In the example, Rx are the extension number and
Ty are the number of the frame.
The numbering starts at node discharge and continues until the element farthest.
After including this number to prefix sub sections.
It's similar to the numbering of the normal type, but each type of structure will have a specific number.
The type is given by
PartSubType property of structure.
Note: the difference in numbering in this ways to renumber the network.