
The EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for single-event or long-term (continuous) simulation of the amount and quality of runoff from mainly urban areas.

The runoff component of SWMM operates on a collection of subcatchment areas that receive precipitation and generate runoff and pollutant loads.

The routing portion of SWMM transports this flow through a system of pipes, channels, storage/treatment devices, pumps, and regulators.

SWMM tracks the quantity and quality of runoff generated within each subcatchment and the flow rate, flow depth and water quality in each pipe and channel during a simulation period composed of several time steps.

SWMM was first developed in 1971 and has gone through several major updates since then. It continues to be widely used around the world for planning, analysis and design related to stormwater runoff, combined sewers, sanitary sewers and other drainage systems in urban areas, with many applications in non-urban areas as well.

The current implemented version of SWMM in SOLIDOS is version 5.1 .015

This node concentrates all settings related to SWMM, with regard to simulations. Its subnodes contain the settings for the "non-graphical" items of the network, such as time patterns, curves, time series, etc.

In the SWMM node, you can:

The SWMM node, concentrates the settings that you normally see in Options of the official SWMM program:

The properties of "physical" items such as Nodes, catchments, and pipes, must be viewed in the properties of these items, using the command SPROPS, or using the Properties Tab of Toolspace