SWMM contains 4 types of nodes:

  1. Join - node; generic that can be: manhole, connection box, manhole mouth, wolf mouth, etc.
  2. Outlet - the endpoint of the network. SWMM requires the discharge point to be an outlet type.
    It could be: manhole, energy sink or even a manhole
  3. Splitter - flow splitter device
    Used to control the flow leaving the node. Normally, the flow that comes out of this device, does it through one of its outputs and when When this value exceeds a certain limit, the excess is output through the secondary output.
  4. Storage - these are nodes in the drainage system that provide the storage volume
    Could be cisterns, reservoirs, etc.

All SWMM nodes share these properties:

Note: For SWMM to recognize a SOLIDOS device as a node, this must have in the definition of its constructor, the tool corresponding to the type of node, for example, the model below, implements a manhole, which is is recognized as Junction:

Note the last item. É it is he who will define; the device as being a junction to the SWMM. Also note, that the properties of the joint that depend on the geometry/location of the device are defined in the properties of the Joining Activity:

In addition, the drainage network that will calculated using the SWMM engine must also be enabled. In the network properties, note:

  This is not necessary as it is not required. It is mandatory to use SWMM. So, if the above option is selected. When turned off, SWMM properties are not "overlaid" on devices