Custom Sections
Custom Section is a type of program that uses properties and construction logic to create one or more 3D solids that represent a device.
There are several types of custom section, depending on the type of network in which it is used:
Generic Networks
Generic Point Devices
Generic Linear Devices
Generic Longitudinal Devices
- Gravity Networks - These networks implement specific dimensioning methods and for that, implement tools for specific Nodes and Links for dimensioning with SWMM a>.
Point Gravity Devices
Linear Gravity Devices
Longitudinal Gravity Devices
Point Gravity Devices
Linear Gravity Devices
Connected Devices
Pressure Networks - these networks implement the calculation using EPANET and for that, they use tools
Pressurized Point Devices
Pressurized Linear Devices
Connected Devices
Custom sections have the following properties:
- Identification
- Name - custom section name
Use a name that is representative so that it appears intelligibly on program screens
Avoid names that are too long, or that contain the following characters: '*', '>', '<', '/', '\', '"', ':', ';', '|', '=', '`', '#', ',', '?' - Description - when the name alone is not enough to describe the section, use these properties to give more details
- Object
- Catalog - Name of the catalog to which the Constructor belongs
It would be the name of the album of projects like, for example
- PropertySet - Name of the property set to be created when using the
The property set exposes the Extend Data of the device block, the same properties
seen in the Properties Tab of SOLIDOS
- Family - second level of device classification
Use to group types by theme, for example, a hydraulic ladder contains both linear and point devices, so use the name Ladder as the family
The Materials List editor uses this classification to organize the nodes
- Subtype - third level of device classification
Consider the explanation given in the Family node.
The subtypes of the Stair family can be: curb entry, ground exit, manhole exit, manhole entry, steps, etc.
The Materials List editor uses this classification to organize the nodes
- Priority - indicates the current status of the section
While editing the custom section, this property is recalculated all the time, and can assume one of three values:
Critical - the section cannot be used because an exposed solid is missing, or an error occurs during modeling
Warning - the section has some kind of inconsistency, but that doesn't prevent its use
Neutral - the section can be used as it does not have any kind of problem
- Icon - an image that will be used in the program screens next to the name of the custom section, in the material list or in the device nodes created with this custom section
This image must be similar in height to width, so as not to deform.
The program will resize the image to 64x64 bits.
- Template
- Tip Template - will be used to display relevant information about the device when hovering over the device in model space (see: Tip Editor Macros)
- Name Template - will be used to form the device name in the material list and when the device is released in blueprints
All these properties will be visible in the Constructor