EPANET performs long-term simulation of hydraulic behavior and water quality in water distribution system pipe networks

A network consists of pipes, nodes (junctions of pipes), pumps, valves, tanks or storage reservoirs.

EPANET tracks the flow of water in each pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of water in each tank, and the concentration of a species chemistry throughout the network during a simulation period composed of several time steps. In addition to chemical species, water age and source tracking can also be simulated.

SOLIDOS provides an integrated environment for editing network input data, running hydraulic and water quality simulations and viewing the results in a variety of formats using the EPANET engine. These include color-coded network maps, data tables, time series graphs, and contour plots.

EPANET was developed by the Water Infrastructure Division of the US Environmental Protection Agency's Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response. (formerly Water Supply and Water Resources Division of the National Risk Management Research Laboratory)

In the EPANET node, you can:

The EPANET node, concentrates the settings that are normally seen in Options of the official EPANET program:

Note: To edit the above parameters, use the command EPANETSETTINGS