Below are listed the errors that can occur in EPANET when import, export or calculate

Runtime Errors
101 An analysis was terminated due to insufficient memory available.
102 No network data available.
103 Hydraulic solver not open.
104 No hydraulics for water quality analysis
105 Unopened water quality solver
106 No results saved to report
107 Hydraulics provided from external file
108 Cannot use external file while hydraulic solver is active
110 Cannot solve network hydraulic equations
An analysis was terminated because the network's hydraulic equations could not be solved. Check for parts of the network that don't have hard links back to a tank or reservoir or unreasonable values for network input data.
120 Cannot solve water quality transport equations
These errors only apply to an input file
200 One or more errors were detected in the input data (see 200 series error messages below).
201 A syntax error was found on a line in the input file created from your network data.
Errors that apply to an input file and API functions
202 An illegal numeric value was assigned to a property.
203 An object referred to an undefined node.
204 An object referred to an undefined link.
205 An object referred to an undefined time pattern.
206 An object referred to an undefined curve.
207 An attempt was made to control a check valve. Once a pipe is assigned a check valve, its status cannot be changed by simple or rule-based controls.
208 Illegal pressure thresholds have been assigned for a pressure-triggered demand analysis. The threshold required to meet full demand must be at least 0.1 psi (or m) above the minimum threshold below which no demand is supplied.
209 An illegal value was assigned to a node property.
211 An illegal value was assigned to a link property.
212 A source trace parsing refers to an undefined trace node.
213 An analysis option had an illegal value (for example, a negative time range value).
214 Too many characters were on a line read from an input file. Lines in an input file are limited to 1024 characters.
215 Two or more objects of the same type share the same ID label.
216 Power data has been provided for an undefined pump.
217 Invalid energy data was provided for a pump.
219 A valve has been illegally connected to a tank. A PRV, PSV, or FCV cannot be connected directly to a reservoir or tank. Use a piece of tubing to separate the two.
220 A valve has been illegally connected to another valve. PRVs cannot share the same downstream node or be daisy-chained. PSVs cannot share the same upstream node or be daisy-chained, and a PSV cannot be connected directly to the downstream node of a PRV.
221 A rule-based control contains a misplaced clause.
222 The same starting and ending node has been assigned to a link.
Errors that apply to the network consistency check
223 There were not enough nodes in the network to analyze. A valid network must contain at least one tank/reservoir and one junction node.
224 There was not at least one tank or reservoir on the network.
225 Invalid lower/higher levels were specified for a tank (eg. lower tier was higher than upper tier).
226 No pump curve or power rating has been provided for a pump. A pump must be assigned a curve ID in its Pump Curve property or a power rating in its Power property. If both properties are assigned, the pump curve will be used.
227 A pump had an invalid pump curve. A valid pump curve must have decreasing head with increasing flow.
230 A curve had non-increasing X values.
233 A node has not been connected to any links.
Errors importing, exporting, calculating
240 Missing font
241 Missing control
250 Invalid format
251 Invalid parameter code
252 Invalid ID name
253 Non-existent demand category
254 Node without coordinates
255 Invalid link vertex
257 Nonexistent rule
258 Nonexistent rule clause
259 Attempting to delete a node that still has links connected to it
260 Attempt to delete node assigned as a trace node
261 Attempt to delete a node or link contained in a control
262 Attempt to modify network structure while solver is active
File Errors
301 Identical file names
302 Cannot open input file
303 The status report file could not be opened.
304 The binary output file could not be opened.
305 Cannot open hydraulic file
306 Hydraulic file does not match network data
307 Cannot read hydraulic file
308 Intermediate results could not be saved to a binary file. This can occur if the disk becomes full.
309 The results could not be written to the report file. This can occur if the disk becomes full.