Drainage Networks
Drainage Networks are networks that implement the rational or modified rational method to evaluate the flows in the devices, which receive contribution
of the Catchments.
Contribution by infiltration is not considered as in Sewage Networks.
In order to calculate a Drainage Network, you must configure the drainage parameters
Toolspace / Settings / Options / drainage
Drainage Networks can be of two types:
- Deep drainage - These are pipe networks, usually buried.
In Civil 3D, the PipeNetwork.
To create networks using Civil 3D's PipeNetwork, I recommend using C3DRENESG4
This plugin runs exclusively with Civil 3D's PipeNetwork system
- Surface drainage - consisting of channels, gutters, etc.
C3DRENESG4 also implements surface drainage, but as there were no devices to model in PipeNetwork, this was implemented using
alignments and profiles
In the SOLIDOS plugin, note that the concentration times and recurrence times may vary.
A Drainage Network contains the following properties (in addition to general network properties):
- Drainage
- Time of Recurrence - It is the time of recurrence of the rain, or time it takes to repeat a rain of equal intensity and duration
in dimensioning
see more at Toolspace / Settings / Options / Drainage
- Time of Recurrence in Verification (TRv) - recurrence time to consider in verification
- Swmm
- Enable Swmm - Enables/disables the network for calculation with the SWMM engine
Note: for the network to be effectively calculated by SWMM, all devices must have the property
Swmm indicating a type of node / link.
This association between SOLIDOS devices and SWMM is carried out within the device's Constructor
Recommendations from the DNIT drainage manual:
- Maximum flow rate: 4.5 m/s
- Minimum flow speed: 1.0 m/s
- Maximum Height in the tube: 85%
- Minimum pipe blade: 20%
- Minimum pipe diameter: 0.4 m
- Minimum concentration time: 10 min
For grotto culverts, according to ISF 210 (Railway Services Instruction), you must do:
- Designing of culverts with TR=25 years
- Verification of culverts with TR=50 years
Commands for editing and creating: