The command SEDITNETWORK creates devices in a device network.

To use, call SEDITNETWORK from the command line, menu, toolbar, context menu, Ribbon or the corresponding network node:

An edit bar will appear:

It has the following buttons:

When drawing the devices, the program considers that you want to connect one device to another, so it will capture the connection points of the devices. In the image below, magenta cubes mark the connection points of a device:

In plan view, they appear when there is an active insert device command:

These connection points will be used to reposition the devices linear or longitudinal dragging point devices.

If any device is disconnected when it should be, select it and drag the grippoint over the one where it should be connected. The connection icon will appear. Drop the selected device onto it.

Note: Not every device can be added to a given network. Each network has a set of device types that can be entered:

Note: Device networks that are external reference, can only edit styles for labels and device projections.

If you need to rename, or otherwise edit, do so on the source file.

Note: To be able to Use this command, a license is required. Otherwise, you will only be able to view the network.