SWMM - Nodes - Storage

Storage units (reservoirs) are drainage system nodes that provide storage volume.

Physically, they can represent storage facilities as small as a Catchment or as large as a lake.

The volumetric properties of a storage unit are described by a function or table of surface area versus height.

In addition to receiving inflows and discharging outflows to other nodes in the Drainage Network, storage nodes can also lose water through surface evaporation and infiltration into the native soil.

In addition to the SWMM node properties, storage units also have the following properties:

Note: Read-only properties are intrinsic properties of the device, so the type change has to be done in Constructor.

Note: You must click the at the top of the screen.

If it is not visible, it means that the network is not enabled for SWMM. Enable it in your properties: