Solids Builder - Creating Properties

The properties creation panel manages the properties that will be visible for the created device/section.

Some properties are mandatory, depending on the type of device you want to model. For example, to model a pipe, it will be necessary to provide a hydraulic section, which is nothing more than the section used to calculate hydraulic radius, wetted area, wetted perimeter, etc. height of the flow blade. Another example: To calculate the excavation trench for this pipe, you need to provide the outside width of the section.

If values are not defined for the Required Properties, an icon will be shown in the corresponding line and an error will be displayed:

Hover over the icon for the error to appear.

You can create as many parameters as you need in addition to those that are mandatory:

To create the parameter, click the last row of the table and enter the values in the corresponding columns:

Good Practices:

Do more with the modeler: