Required Properties

Required Properties are those properties defined by the Constructor and not by the User in the frame Property Creation.

These properties are used internally by the SOLIDOS program for various purposes, such as excavation calculation, network numbering, device positioning, etc. Are the following:

  1. All types
    1. Existing (Existent) - indicates whether the device is existing or designed
      When the device is existing, it is not possible to change its geometry or section, even if the surface changes
      Note, the constructor does not modify this property on the device, even if in the model implementation, there is an activity Set Parameter to the property
    2. Code (Code) - a short text that identifies the device easily in catalogs, for example:
      • PV - manhole
      • CL - link box
      • CI - inspection box
      • BL - culvert
      • TL - cleaning terminal
      • BSTC - simple tubular concrete culvert
      • BDTC - double tubular concrete culvert
      • BTTC - triple tubular concrete culvert
      • BSRC - simple rectangular concrete manhole
      • BDRC - double rectangular concrete manhole
      • BTRC - triple rectangular concrete manhole
      • PVC - PVC pipe
    3. Calculate - Indicates that the modeler will process some hydraulic calculation, without modeling geometries
    4. TempEnts - indicates that the modeler will process temporary entities
    5. RunOption - Used to enable the use of redundant properties
      Different properties that control the same characteristic of the device, for example: the depth of the bottom and the height of the manhole. The bottom dimension controls the height indirectly
      It appears in the Property Creation frame to enable testing during modeling.
      Expected values for this property: The name of the property changed on the device that caused the reshape
      All tools that draw grip points on the device report the name of the property configured in the Parameter Name field:
    6. Ignore Adjustment (IgnoreSurfAdj) - indicates whether the device ignores surface elevation
      It might be:
      • True - surface elevation is ignored and user must provide device elevation manually
      • False - the elevation of the device is corrected if its position changes or the elevation on the surface changes. As long as the device is not set to Existing
  2. Point Devices
  3. Linear/Longitudinal Devices
  4. Linear Devices
  5. Longitudinal Devices