Solids Builder - Polyline
Polyline - creates a polyline that passes through the list of
points provided:
The Polyline activity has the following properties:
- Identification
- Name - name of the activity
The polyline name must follow the naming rules
- Closed - indicates whether the polyline is closed or open (connects the end point to the start point)
- Use Centroid - indicates whether the polyline is drawn with absolute coordinates (unchecked) or relative coordinates (checked).
When checked, the polyline is moved by its centroid to the position marked by the Center
- Vector - name of the vector normal to the plane of the polyline
normally used with the Use Centroid option, to draw the polyline on another plane:
- Object Visible - indicates whether or not the polyline should be drawn in the preview
- Points - indicates the list of points used to draw the polyline.
In AutoCAD, polylines can have arc segments.
The Polyline activity also allows this and to create arc segments, you must use points of the type
In the example above, the point "E" is of this type and has convexity equal to 0.5
The polyline is the first type of complex curve and requires a point list editor. This editor has a series of buttons:
They are the following:
Move to Top - moves the selected items to the top of the list
Up - moves the selected items up by one position
Down - moves the selected items down by one position
Move to Bottom - moves the selected items to the bottom of the list
Add - adds the items selected from the left list (available points) to the right list (used points)
Remove - removes selected items from the list on the right (used points)
Select All - selects all items
Invert Selection - inverts the list selection
- Apply - applies the list selection to the activity.
To have it drawn with the chosen items, click on this button
If the text gets too big/small, or the sphere that represents the point gets too big or small, use the buttons ( A, a,
) at the top of the screen to change the preview
Properties (to use in VB expressions)
Implements the properties of curves and also:
- Area - Area of the polyline (real number)
- Elevation - Elevation of the polyline (real number)
- Vector - normal vector of the Rectangle (
- Center - center of the Rectangle (
Methods (for use in VB expressions)
implements the methods of curves