Solids Builder - Curves
Curves are auxiliary geometries for drawing more complex geometries.
There are the following activities that create curves:
Circle - creates a circle with radius, center and normal vector
Arc - draws an arc, given center, radius, start and end angle
Arc by Points - draws an arc, given 3 points
Ellipse - draws an ellipse, given center, major radius, minor radius, major radius vector, start and end angle
Line - creates a line passing through two points
Polyline - creates a 2D polyline containing the list of selected points
Rectangle - creates rectangle at the given point and direction
Polyline 3D - creates a 3D polyline with the option of rounding the vertices (like a wire)
Arc 3D - creates a helix sector with start, end and convexity
Offset - creates an offset curve from another curve (line, polyline, circle)
Join Lines - Junctions lines, arcs and polylines that have coincident start and end
Trim Lines - Trims a line, like AutoCAD's TRIM command
Spline - creates a 3D spline
Properties (for use in VB expressions)
StartPoint - starting point of the curve (
EndPoint - endpoint of the curve (
Length2D - length of the curve projected in the XY plane (the curve will probably be deformed, so its perimeter will be different from the 3D perimeter of the curve)
Length - 3D perimeter, or real curve length, real number
EndParam - end parameter of the curve, real number
StartParam - Start parameter, real number
Methods (for use in VB expressions)
Get2dCurve() - creates a 2D curve in the XY plane
GetPointAtDist - calculates a point on the curve, given a distance to travel from the start, such as
Point on the Curve
pt = curve.
pt will be an
distance is a real number
GetPointAtParameter - calculates a point on the curve, given a parameter
pt = curve.
pt will be an
param is a real number
GetClosestPointTo - calculates a point (pt) on the curve that is closest to the given point (pinf)
pt = curve.
pt and pinf will be a
GetDistAtPoint - calculates the 3D distance traveled on the curve until reaching the given point
distance = curve.
GetDistAtPoint (en)
pt is a
distance will be a real number
GetFirstDerivative - calculates the tangent vector to the curve
vector = curve.
arg is an
Point, or the parameter (real number)
vector will be an
ReverseCurve - returns a curve in the opposite direction
reversecurve = curve.
curve and reversecurve are curves