Solids Builder - Point on Curve
Point on Curve - creates a point on an Curve:
The Point on Curve activity has the following properties:
- Identification
- Name - name of the activity
The point name must follow the naming rules
- Path Curve - Indicates which curve will be used to calculate the point
- Object Visible - indicates whether or not the point should be drawn in the preview
- Value is - indicates what kind of value is provided to calculate the point, it can be:
- Distance - 3D distance over the line, starting from the beginning of the line.
In the example above, I used a VB expression:
Line.Length / 2
- 2D Distance - It works similarly to the Distance option, except that the distance is taken into account when projecting the curve in the XY plane
- Parameter - is a number, whose integer part refers to the vertex number and the fractional part refers to the percentage of the segment following this vertex
in a polyline, the parameter 1.55 would be in the second segment (the first segment has ZERO index), counting 55% of its length:
- Point - another point, not necessarily on the curve
The closest point to the curve will be calculated.
- Value - a VB expression that provides value to calculate the point on the curve
Note the 'Value is' field. The expression must return the same data type
If the text gets too big/small, or the sphere that represents the point gets too big or small, use the buttons ( A, a,
) at the top of the screen to change the preview
Properties (for use in VB expressions)
implements the properties of the points
Methods (for use in VB expressions)
implements the methods of the points