Solids Builder - Solids
Solids are the final geometries you want to draw.
There are the following activities that create solids:
Extrude - extrudes a plane geometry with a height
Sweep - creates a solid by sweeping plane geometry through an axis
Transition - creates a transition between two plane figures
Revolve - creates a solid by Revolve of a planar section on an axis
Join - joins two or more solids into one
Slice - cuts a solid on a plane
Subtract - subtracts one more solid from a source solid
Intersection - intersects one more solid from a source solid
Predefined Solid - Inserts a predefined solid
Corridor - creates a solid like Civil 3D corridor
Array 3D - Creates copies of the solid in 3D array form
Note: The activities
Slice and
Subtract does not modify the original solids.
When processing them, copies are created and these are modified.
Properties (to be used in VB expressions, for quantities for example):
- Volume - volume of the solid (real number)
- Area - surface area of the solid (real number)
- Centroid - centroid of the solid (
- MaxPoint - greater X, Y, Z of the parallelepiped that circumscribes the solid (
- MinPoint - smallest X, Y, Z of the parallelepiped that circumscribes the solid (
Methods (for use in VB expressions)
- Sphere - creates a sphere with given radius and center
sphere = GeometrySolid.Sphere(center, radius)
center is an
radius is a real number
- Box - creates a parallelepiped with given dimensions and center
box = GeometrySolid.Box(center, length, width, height)
center is an
Point that will be at the center of mass of the solid
length, width, height are real numbers
- Pyramid - creates a pyramid
pyramid = GeometrySolid.Pyramid(center, height, sides, radius, topradius)
center is an
Point that will be at the center of mass of the solid
height, pyramid height (real number)
sides, number of sides (integer)
radius, base radius (real number)
topradius, radius of the top of the pyramid (real number)