Log updates for TBN2CAD
15/05/2013 - 3860
- First implementation
15/05/2013 - 3867
- Multi language.
Option to choose to install.
28/05/2013 - 3956
- Embedded commands:
15/06/2013 - 3959
- Command TBN2CADHELP functional.
- Command TBN2CADMENU added.
01/07/2013 - 3973
- Command
- Command
- Fixed bug that erased tbn2cad.cuix the file to load with the command TBN2CADMENU
09/10/2013 - 4036
- Inclusion of tutorials to correct common errors, eg Could not load file or assembly
- Ability to upload list of files instead of folder in command
- Treaty error"eOnlockedLayer"command
BLKPROPS accepts a list of names of blocks
- Added support for Bing Maps to
17/09/2013 - 4100
- Added command
- Fixed parameters dx, dy, dz SAD69 conversion to WGS84 as resolution IBGE
- Fixed bug that deleted files VLX unduly
IMPORTGMPTS can now also download the points elevation Bing Maps
17-10-2013 - 4141
- Commands EmprestaLic and DevolveLic implements offline licenses
14-01-2014 - 4223
IMPORTGMMAP2, now supports filename template
- Fix bug with decimal places
- Fix bug with multi language support
zone and hemisphere
are filled when opening
a program at first time
- Edits in reference are be saved now
14-02-2014 - 4280
- Fixed bug with
when he tried assign values ??of an attribute that was not on the list.
- Fixed bug with
caused error when importing points that lacked description or name in the KML file
- Now,
API keys provided by the user.
- Now
IMPORTGMMAP no longer causes error GDI+.
This error occurred because the user tried to save an image over another existing and that was in use in another program.
Now, if this occurs the new file is renamed.
- Fixed bug with
DTAL2 that caused error to use the type
of slope orthogonal to fixed line
17-07-2014 - 4555
- Bug fix with
Now, the hatches are drawn as expected
- Bug fix with "Do not show" checkbox in register screen
- Add a dialog box to
DTAL command
- Possibility to change the drive letter where the program reads the serial
10-12-2014 - 4722
- Improved management languages??.
Now the CUI command no longer hangs after loading the program into civil 3d 2015
- Modified the way the
READKML2 interprets coordinates.
Now it can read KML with 2D coordinates.
01-04-2015 - 4950
- Now, TBN2CAD works on GSTARCAD and ZWCAD
04-05-2015 - 4972
- Bing and Google keys to uso with IMPORTGMMAP, now is stored in tbn2ncad.ini
- AutoCAD 2016 support
- Bug fix with Google Earth
The KML file does not open after export.
- Fixed bug in creating layers with invalid characters in READKML2 command
- Added calculation of the distance between points in IMPORTGMPTS command
27-08-2015 - 5175
- Bug fix with coordinate transformation
- Local to UTM transformation
- New screen to choose reference
14-01-2016 - 5502
- New Command:
- Bug fix with
READKML2 at import multigeometry
- Improved prediction of invalid characters in the names of layers and blocks that made the
- Fixed bug with
READKML2 that gave error when importing MultiGeometry
- Added a Tutorial for a Google Maps, Google Elevations key and also the Bing Maps key
11-11-2017 - 6090
- Add support to AutoCAD 2018
- Added possibility to inform the rotation in the coordinate transformation framework
- Added button on IMPORTGMMAP and IMPORTGMPTS screens to show tutorial to get Google Maps and Bing Maps key
- Added Google and bing maps images on reference
- Added support to KMZ files!!!
Added ICSharpCode.
SharpZipLib.dll (windows 8 and shell32 causing errors...)
- Fixed Google Maps API access key (affects IMPORTGMMAP and Referential editor)
15-01-2019 - 6285
- Add new options on EXPGE2 and READKML2 commands
- Added support for Cadian 2017
- Added support for ZWCAD 2018
- Added support for AutoCAD 2019
- Added support for GstarCAD 2017 and 2018
- Bug fix on read kml/kmz with 'xsi' element
- Added GEOTAGIMAGE command
- Added VORONOI command
- Bug fix: an error occurs when open KMZ file with root document name different of doc.kml
- Add support to ZWCAD 2019
2020-03-09 - 6420
- Support to Cadian 2017 has ended
- Fix translations of the screen of GEOTAGIMAGE
- Add support to AutoCAD 2020
- Add support to ZWCAD 2019
- Add support to GSTARCAD 2019
- Add support to BRICSCAD V19
- Add support to extended data on EXPGE2 and READKML2
- Added support to AutoCAD 2022
- Now expge can export raster image
- Now STREETVIEW can auto zoom in cad
- Added support to AutoCAD 2024
2024-08-15 - 7040
- Added support for offline licenses
- Fixed incompatibility caused by AutoCAD 2024 with the serial identifier. Oh my God Autodesk!!!!
- Added support to dotnet 8
- Added support to AutoCAD 2025
- Added an installer
Added Spanish language
- Command added:
MLH2 - draw grid coordinates
2025-01-16 - 7115
Fixed bug of "System.NotSupportedException: No data is available for encoding 1252"
- Digitally signed plugin
- Fixed bug reading KML with accented characters
Now, when uninstalling, the *.mnr files and empty folders are deleted
Fixed bug when converting lat/lon to string in GstarCAD