The command
READKML2 matter KML files that are generated from Google Earth to AutoCAD.
To use the command:
Call it from the command line (command
READKML2 ), on the toolbar, or ribbon
Will be asked to select the KML file.kmz files are nothing more than a compressed KML file.
You can open the KMZ, changing its extension
to ZIP and unzip the file contained there.
On the screen that opens, configure:
Create Block - This option enables the creation of blocks with attributes to represent the KML Markers.
The block has two attributes: ID and Desc, these values will be written to read in KML.
Ignore elevations - When importing, the elevations are ignored.
Once you get to a point elevation in Google Earth is not so simple, it is hard to get a value for it.
So leave this option checked.
Use Coordinate If the design has dimensions larger than one zone, use Geographic coordinates.
Otherwise, UTM.
Select the reference to be used to convert the coordinates in UTM and Geographic coordinates to convert the system
coordinates to WGS84, which is the reference used in Google Earth.
In Brazil, normally AutoCAD drawings are georeferenced system SAD69 or SIRGAS 2000.
You can edit the values clicking:
On the screen that opens, set the reference options:
It is very important to read the above screen explanation
Click OK
The KML file is imported into AutoCAD: