The command IMPORTGMPTS matter lifting points on Google Maps and inserts in AutoCAD as the current layer POINTS.
To use the command:
Call it from the command line (command
IMPORTGMPTS ), on the toolbar, or ribbon
Will be prompted to enter a point, then another point, forming a rectangle.
On the screen that opens, configure:
Source - Choose between Google Maps and Bing Maps
Access Key - The Bing Maps and Google Maps requires an access key to download the Maps sometimes.
The access key is a sequence of letters.
If you do not enter one, you will receive an error message: 403 Forbidden .
Since Google Maps does not always require.
This only happens if you download more images that the limits imposed by Google.
In any case, if you get the error 403 Forbidden, click the Get... button.
You will be directed to one of the links below:
Do as described in the link and fill out the field in IMPORTGMMAP screen.
Elevations - In the case of Bing Maps, you can choose which to use reference: Sea level or ellipsoid.
The Google Maps only uses the ellipsoid.
See the picture:
Divisions X Number of points that will be created in the X
Divisions Y Number of points that will be created in the Y direction
Select the reference to be used to convert the coordinates in UTM and Geographic coordinates to convert the system
coordinates to WGS84, which is the reference used in Google Earth.
In Brazil, normally AutoCAD drawings are
georeferenced system SAD69 or SIRGAS 2000.
You can edit the values clicking:
On the screen that opens, set the reference options:
It is very important to read the above screen explanation
Click OK
The image file will be inserted into AutoCAD: