The command
IMPORTGMMAP2 import images from Google Maps
or Bing Maps and inserts in AutoCAD, georeferencing them.
To use the command:
Call it from the command line (command
IMPORTGMMAP2 ), on the toolbar, or ribbon
Will be asked to select a polyline or press ENTER to choose 2
If you choose to click the polyline, only the images that are within
this will be imported.
Use to save time.
View an example:
Will then be asked where to save the images folder.
On the screen that opens, configure:
Source image - The image can see Google Maps or Bing Maps
Access Key - The Bing Maps requires an access key to download the Maps sometimes.
The access key is a sequence of letters.
If you do not enter one, you will receive an error message: 403 Forbidden .
Since Google Maps does not always require.
This only happens if you download more images that the limits imposed by Google.
In any case, if you get the error 403 Forbidden, click the Get... button.
You will be directed to one of the links below:
Do as described in the link and fill out the field in IMPORTGMMAP screen.
Model Name - To facilitate the formatting of names of images.
Use the buttons:
Origin ({SOURCE}) - Sets the name for the image source: Google Maps or Bing Maps
Line ({LINE}) - In the mosaic array, is the row index
Column ({COLUMN}) - In the mosaic array, is the column index
Counter ({COUNTER}) - Put in a simple counter in the name
For example, if the template is IMG ({SOURCE}) {LINE} - {COLUMN}, the result could be: IMG (Google Maps) 20-12.
Image Size - Only applies to Google Maps
Small - Generates images of smaller size in bytes (640x640 pixels, 500KB)
Medium - Generates images of average size in bytes (1280x1280 pixels, 2MB)
Big - Generates images of large size in bytes (2048x2048 pixels, 4MB), but is only available to those who have business license Google
Map Type
Google Maps:
satellite - displays satellite images
roadmap - displays the default view road maps
hybrid - displays a mixture of normal and satellite views
terrain - displays a physical map based on terrain information
Bing Maps:
Aerial - Satellite image
AerialWithLabels - Satellite image more streets
Road - Only street map
OrdnanceSurvey - Ordnance Survey imagery
CollinsBart - Bart Collins imagery
Zoom Level
The zoom level specifies the coverage area of the map.
Use the table below as reference:
300x300 meters useful
600x600 meters useful
1200x1200 meters useful
Note that lowering the level of zoom on a drive, the coverage area doubles in width and height.
The resulting image will still have 1280x1280 pixels or 640x640 pixels depending on the size chosen above.
Do not use zoom levels smaller than 12 for example.
The coverage area is very big, losing quality.
Images - Tells how many images can be imported and their
Select the reference to be used to convert the coordinates in UTM and Geographic coordinates to convert the system
coordinates to WGS84, which is the reference used in Google Earth.
In Brazil, normally AutoCAD drawings are
georeferenced system SAD69 or SIRGAS 2000.
You can edit the values clicking:
On the screen that opens, set the reference options:
It is very important to read the above screen explanation
Click OK
The image file will be inserted into AutoCAD:
For larger areas, make more than one image, covering the entire area with a mosaic of images.
Thus the final resolution will be better.