TBN2CAD - Commands
These commands are available in pack TBN2CAD:
EXPGE2 - Export from AutoCAD to Google Earth
READKML2 - Import KML into AutoCAD
IMPORTGMMAP - Import image from Google Maps and Bing maps
IMPORTGMMAP2 - Import images from Google Maps and Bing maps and make a mosaic
IMPORTGMPTS - Import points from Google Maps and Bing Maps
STREETVIEW - Create a pallet with Google Street View window
COPYLAYER - Copy layers from another drawing
DTAL2 - Draw convention slope (slope pattern)
DELPTALIN2 - Delete duplicate points
TRAJETO - Designing path of vehicles
RET - Drawing rectangles by 3 points
SOMACOMPAREA - Sum perimeter and area of polylines
BLKPROPS - Scans a folder of DWG and creates a text file with the attribute values of the block to be searched
CHANGEBLK - Replaces and sets the values of attributes of several drawings
GEOTAGIMAGE - Edit GEOTAG of photos and inserto into AutoCAD
VORONOI - Draws the VORONOI diagram
MLH2 - Draws grid coordinates
TBN2CADMENU - Loads the menu, toolbars and ribbon tabs of TBN2CAD
TBN2CADHELP - Shows this help