TBN2C3D - Commands

List of available commands
  1. 2DTO3D - Converts polylines to 2d 3d based on the coordinates of the selected points
  2. ADDPROFOFFSET - Adds an station offset in profileviews
  3. ADDSLOPEPATTERN - Adds slope patterns on corridors
  4. ALIN2PLINE - Extracts the polyline from alignments
  5. COPYLABEL - Copy station offset labels
  6. CSONDAGEM - Draw boreholes in the profileviews
  7. DELPTDUP - Deletes very close CogoPoints
  8. EXTENDTANGENTS - Extends the tangents alignment to form the PI
  9. LIGAPROF, link the dimension of A polyline to a profile
  10. SuperBPoly - recreates the batch polygon for the LIGAPROF command
  11. MultiOffset - offsets multiple polylines for the LIGAPROF command
  12. MARCAINTERSECAO - marks the intersection between alignments, and whether the elevation of their profiles are supported
  13. MERGECORRIDORS - Merges two or more corridors in one
  14. MIRRPROF - Mirror a profile
  15. MPERFIL - Creates surface profile from multiple alignments
  16. MPROFVIEW - Create ProfileView from multiple alignments
  17. MBANDSET - to redefine band set on multiple profileviews
  18. MLABELSET - to facilitate the creation of labels on alignments
  19. MPROFHATCH - to create profile shapes on multiple profileviews
  20. MCORREDOR - Create corridor for all selected alignments
  21. MCORRSURF - Create surface for all selected corridors
  22. MSAMPLELINE - Create sample line groups for all selected alignments
  23. MMATERIAL - Create material lists for all selected alignments
  24. NOTASERV2 - Create reports - new version
  25. PG4ALL - Create multiple point group based on the description of the points
  26. PT2PT2 - Converts 'Posição' and 'Topograph' to Civil 3D points and vice versa
  27. MOVECOGOLABELS - moves the label of points based on polyline vertices
  28. REMOVESLOPEPATTERN - Removes slope patterns from corridors
  29. SETELEVSECVIEW, defines the minimum and the maximum elevation of section views
  30. SETWIDTHSECVIEW, defines the width of section views based on surfaces that represents
  31. SURFACETOSOLID, creates a solid of selected surface
  32. TBN2C3DMenu - Loads the menu, ribbon and toolbars
  33. TBN2C3DHELP - Shows the help of TBN2C3D