The MPROFHATCH command is designed to make it easy to create cut and fill hatches in multiple profileviews.

We often have a N-line allotment which we need to create profileviews and in many cases we need to hatch the cuts and embankments. This can be quite time consuming if you have many profileviews..

So come on, to use the command, have several profileviews already with terrain profile and greide, then call the MPROFHATCH command.

You will be asked to select profileviews:

And then this screen opens:

The following buttons appear on the screen:
On the screen, cells with a yellow background can be edited. So you can rename the hatch, you can rename the profile as well as the associated style & agrave; hatch.

Note that the Profiles column needs to enter the profile name, but since each alignment has profiles and they always have different names, it is not possible to enter the exact profile name, so you must enter a name using wildcard character. In the example above:

Finally, click the "OK" button and see the result:

See too: