
Table is a type of Report, which is inserted in the project's model space.

An Table can expose data from:

It will be useful to generate service notes by sheet, section, or general, as it allows various types of device selections.

To create a table, use the command STABLE. To export to external file, use SEXPORTABLE

After having created the table, by clicking the right mouse button on the corresponding node in the Toolspace, you can:

A table has the following properties:

Note that the table drawn in AutoCAD is an AutoCAD table, therefore, table editing commands will be available. However, any edition of table cell contents will be undone. Only reDesigning of rows and columns, or changing the Table Style is allowed.

Still in the table node, in Prospector, it is possible to export the table to an external file:

A result like this will be displayed:

Note that the appearance of the HTML will depend on the HTML template used

The commands for editing tables are: