The command STABLESTYLES creates and edits table styles for tables and reports

To use, call STABLESTYLES from the command line, menu, toolbar, in the Ribbon choose the style you want to edit:

On this screen you can:

A table style is actually a template for choosing columns, properties etc, for extracting data from devices, catchments or even networks. Below, an example:

On the screen, at the top, you can see the following buttons:

After choosing an object type, it is necessary to add the macro that defines the property and formatting expected for it. To do this, double-click on the cell:

The Macro Editor will open:

Choose the property, formatting and click the button

Note: Device tables may require cross-referencing. This happens when linear device data does not show data referring to point devices. For example: Nodes want a table of pipes that shows data from the PV insertion point, or even data from its Hydraulic Design (precipitation, contribution area, etc). In this situation, use the buttons Input Device, Output Device. You will notice that the cell icon will change. This means the properties will be read on the upstream or downstream PV, not on the pipe itself.

Note: Linear devices (pipes, gutters, etc) when they have excavation calculated, can also show this data in the table. In this case, it will be necessary to click the button Excavation and add any columns you want.

To exemplify the two situations above, consider the style below:

Columns and 5 show upstream and downstream PV data respectively, while columns 1, 2 and 3 show pipe data. In the row below, columns 5, 6 and 7 show data from the excavated trench. Note that the excavated trench has several sections. Therefore, multiple lines are added. A possible result of the above style:

Note: When creating a table, you will be asked to select the elements that can be included in the table listing. If the type is not present in one of the rows of data in the table template, or is not a type child of the types listed in the template, it will be ignored. If it matches more than one row of data, the element may appear more than once in the resulting table.