The node
Tables concentrates the tables that are designed in AutoCAD's Model Space.
This node allows a series of actions, such as:
Create - Creates a new Table
Export - exports the created tables, all at once in their respective files
Export all in one - exports the created tables all at once in a single file
Calculate - Calculate all tables
There are 4 types of tables in the program:
Device Tables - supports any type of devices
Network Tables - admits only networks and serves to create network characteristics charts
Catchment Tables - admits only Catchments
Sector Tables - admits only Consumer Sectors
Some default properties are listed under this node.
Properties from the context menu and edit these settings:
The properties are as follows:
- Table
- File - default file name when using the export command for all tables in the same file
- Styles - controls the default styles used when creating tables
The tables node can show the icon (
This occurs when there are stale tables on this node.
Use the node's context menu to force update all tables.
See also: