Errors and Solutions in Constructor
Check below the list of most common errors found in the Constructor:
- An error screen appears when clicking anything in the Constructor Designer - Go to the installation folder of the
SOLID and check if the HtmlEditor.exe program is present. If not, it is likely that Windows or Antivirus has mistakenly recognized it as a threat.
In this case, reinstall the plugin and make your antivirus not delete it
- When changing the value of a property in the frame Creating Properties, the change is undone or another value is filled
- If the property is part of a schema of redundant properties, it may be being recalculated at runtime
- It may also be that the entered value is not within the limits accepted for the property
Note, whenever a property is modified in the Constructor, the Constructor is executed.
If the model does not contain errors, the properties that were modified during the execution are reset in the
framework Creating Properties
- When opening a model, a message appears saying:
The item you are opening is read-only because it is an external reference.
Any edits will be discarded
The model is linked to an external file such as an XREF or
You will be able to see how the template works, but changes will not be able to be saved.
To modify this model, open the original file where it is located.
The file path appears in the model properties, in the frame Builder Properties
You can also "promote" the model, breaking this external link.
To do this, right-click on the model and click
Promote References
- A appears
on the Constructor icon
- During the update of external references, the file where the model is, was not found, or
- If the model does not come from an external reference, it has modeling errors that prevent solids from being created, or it does not expose any solids.
In this case, open the model and check the bottom left corner of the editing screen, the error will be indicated there so that it can be corrected
Note: Models with critical errors cannot be used in BOMs or devices