The command SBUILDER creates custom sections, using a friendly interface where you can define properties that parameterize the device to be created, as needed

To use, call SBUILDER from the command line, menu, toolbar or Ribbon. This screen will be shown:

On this screen you can:

To learn more, click the topic Custom Section Editor

If when calling the SBUILDER command, the message below appears, restart AutoCAD:

This error is related to the number of times you open the modeler. For some reason the old data is not discarded when closing it and it eventually exhausts the memory reserved for it.

Note: Custom Sections that are external references cannot be edited in the current drawing. Edits must be made to the source file. Optionally, you can promote the reference, then edit it, but note that this breaks the outer link.

Note: To be able to apply changes to this command, a license is required. Otherwise, you will only be able to view the data.