
After sources and demands have been sorted, you can calculate the distribution by clicking the button Calculate Distribution

For the calculation, the Stepping Stone algorithm is used, as mentioned earlier. The tab with the results will be seen in the Results tab

While running the Stepping Stone algorithm, you can create an Offer or a Fictitious Demand to balance the quantity of bids to the quantity of claims

If a fictitious source is created, this will only happen if the supply of good quality is lower than the demand for good quality.

If a fictitious demand is created, this will only occur if the ability of all Dump Site is not sufficient to receive all surplus material.

The distribution will contain the following columns in the table:

  1. Source ID - Source Sorted Item Name, came from the source ranges table
  2. Source Group - Source class item group, comes from the source ranges table
  3. Source Type - comes from the Sources tab, Name
  4. Source Ending Station - End Raw Station of the source ranges, comes from the source ranges tab
  5. Source Center Mass Raw Station- Average Raw Station of the source ranked item, comes from the source ranges tab.
  6. Source Start Station - Converted value of the initial source based on the parameters of station equations
  7. Source End Station - Converted value of the progressive end of the source according to the parameters of station equations
  8. Source Average Station - Converted value of the progressive average of the source according to the parameters of equalities of stations
  9. Demand ID - Demand Name, comes from the tab the Demand Ranges
  10. Demand Group - Group of the demand item, comes from the tab of demand ranges
  11. Demand Type - comes from the Demands tab, Name
  12. Demand Start Raw Station - Start Raw Station of the demand range item, comes from the Destiny Range tab.
  13. Demand End Raw Station - End Raw Station of the demand range item, comes from the Demand Ranges tab.
  14. Demand Center Mass Raw Station - Average Raw Station of the demand range item, comes from the Demand Ranges tab
  15. Demand Start Station - Converted value from initial demand based on the parameters of station equation
  16. Demand End Station - Converted value of the final demand based on the parameters of station equation
  17. Demand Average Station - Converted value of the average raw station demand based on the parameters of station equation
  18. Compact Volume - Geometric Volume of Demand. It is computed for Landfills compactations
  19. Geometric Volume - Geometric Volume of the Source. One source can deliver material to more than one demand. Similarly, a demand can receive material from more than one source. It is computed for Excavation, Loading and Transport
  20. Expanded Volume - Volume to be transported from Source to Demand. Usually computed for trucking
  21. DMT - Average transport distance between Source and Demand, comes from the DMTs
  22. Homogenization Factor - Comes from the Sources tab
  23. Expansion Factor - Comes from the Sources tab
  24. Cost - Comes from the Excavation, Loading and Transport tab, depending on DMT and category
  25. Extraordinary moment - given in Ton * Kilometer, which is obtained by the equation:

    Moment = If (DMT ≥ DmtMax, density * Volume * (DMT - DmtMax) / 1000,0.00)

  26. Reason - Tells why a move can not be executed if it is the case. The reasons are listed in the Analysis topic.

After calculating the distributions, you can analysis of the distributions.

If any value is invalid, the text will be in red, indicating the error.

Cells with yellow background, are editable. Cells with white background, are read-only.