The MMATERIAL was developed to facilitate the creation of Material List in multiple alignments at once.

We often have an allotment with N alignments which we need to design Corridors and their surfaces and the task of creating such surfaces can become quite Time, if we have many aisles. I've already done it for over 30. ..

So come on, have your various corridors modeled and your Surfaces and then call the command MMATERIAL

You will be asked to select the alignments, then this screen will open:

In it you will have on the left side tools to add:

  1. Material List - The Material List for each sample line group
  2. Material - are the materials (cut, landfill, etc.) in each material list
  3. Surfaces - to compose the cut/fill materials, surfaces are required
  4. Corridors - to compose corridor shapes materials, corridors and shape codes are required

To edit, the buttons are for:

In the table, cells that have Yellow background are editable, so you can change the name of the item, some factor, style, etc. When you click an item in the table, it may be that Select the corresponding item in the left frame, which makes editing easier.

Note that to add Surfaces or Runners these must be "cut" in the sample line group . So if you click the Add / Edit button and nothing happens, means that the item was not sampled by the sample line group. So the tip is to sample only the items that will actually be used in the list material. If you used the MSAMPLELINE command to create the Sample line group, use the Filter option on the toolbar of this command.

Finally, click the OK button.

See also: