SWMM - Curves - Pump Curves
Describes the flow variation as a function of load/depth in
SWMM Pumps
It is assigned to a
SWMM pump when the
Constructor (gravity linear) of
device associates this to
Can also be assigned to
pump for a
control rule
A pump curve has the following properties:
- Identification
- Description - Use a friendly description when the item name is not enough
- Name - name of the item
Avoid names that are too long, or that contain the following characters: '*', '>', '<', '/', '\', '"', ':', ';', '|', '=', '`', '#', ',', '?'
- Priority - Information about the current state of the item. It might be:
Neutral: no problem
Critical: Some issue that prevents the item from being calculated or used
- Pump Type - Defines pump curve data types:
- Incremental Volume/Flow - An off-line wet sump pump where flow increases incrementally with available wet sump volume
- Depth/Incremental Flow - An in-line pump where the flow increases incrementally with the depth of the inlet node
- Continuous Load/Flow - An in-line pump where the flow varies continuously with the difference in load between the inlet and outlet nodes
- Depth/Continuous Flow - A variable speed in-line pump where the flow varies continuously with the depth of the inlet node
- Variable Speed - A variable speed version of the Type 3 pump where the head v. flow curve shifts position depending on the pump's speed setting
The data is populated in the table and plotted on the graph for better visualization:
Volume/Depth/Load values must be in ascending order and not repeating and cannot be negative, otherwise the Priority property will be as