Label Style
Label Styles control the appearance and content of labels.
labels of the elements.
There are the following types of labels:
Consumer Sectors
Device Projections
To edit/create label styles, use the command
The label style can be composed of:
Text Component
Line Component
Block Component
- The label itself - properties of the label as a whole
- Identification
- Name - name of the style
Avoid names that are too long, or that contain the following characters: '*', '>', '<', '/', '\', '"', ':', ';', '|', '=', '`', '#', ',', '?'
- Description - description of the style
- Leader
- Scale - block insertion scale
- Arrow Block - name of the block to be inserted at the end of the leader line
- Layer - name of the layer on which the leader is drawn
- Arrow Rotation - rotation of the arrow relative to the leader
- Constructor - applies to device labels only
Indicates the name of the custom section that provides
the list of properties for the text component of the style
Imagine that you created a device model that contains the SteelQty property, which
reports a steel rate on the device. There is no way to access this property in the label editor until you
inform the editor, which is this model
- Default Values - controls the values that are applied to label properties as soon as they are created.
- Object
- Layer - layer where the label is inserted in the drawing
- Leader
- Leader Touches - indicates whether the leader line arrow is:
- Outer contour - indicates that the arrow just touches the element
- At Insertion Point - the leader extends to the insertion point of the item
- Outline/Location - the line touches the item at such a position that it projects to the item's insertion point
- Leader Visibility - indicates if the leader line is visible or not
- Position in Text - indicates where the leader touches the label:
- Right/Left - the line starts from the right or left side, whichever makes the line shorter
- Top/Bottom - the line starts at the top or bottom of the text, whichever makes the line shorter
- Best Position - calculates the position above/below or right/left that makes the line shorter
- Geometry
- Delta X - distance on the X axis between the object's location and the label
- Delta Y - distance on the Y axis between the object's location and the label
- Object Location - object coordinates
- Parameter - when the label is applied to a linear/longitudinal device, indicates the position of the label's insertion point on the axis
of the device.
The integer part of the parameter means the vertex index (the first vertex has index 0) and the fractional part, represents the percentage of the length of the subsequent segment
- Rotation - rotation of the label in relation to the X axis
- Rotate with Device - when the label is associated with linear devices or
longitudinal, the rotation of the label can follow the tangent to the axis of the device at the point of