The command EPANETPATTERNS creates and edits EPANET Patterns

To use, call EPANETPATTERNS from the command line, menu, toolbar or Ribbon and choose the style you want to edit:

On this screen you can:

When clicking the button New, you will be asked to choose the type of Time Pattern:

There are 5 types of time patterns on EPANET:

  1. Pump Pattern - describes the variation of multipliers as a function of time of day for EPANET Pump
  2. Price Pattern - describes the variation in the price of electricity as a function of the time of day affecting EPANET Pumps
  3. Head Pattern - describes the load variation as a function of time of day at EPANET reservoir
  4. Demand Pattern - describes the variation of demand in function of time of day in EPANET junctions
  5. Quality Pattern - describes the concentration variation of the water quality control depending on the time of day in EPANET junctions

After choosing the type of time pattern, click the OK button and the following screen is shown:

  1. Give a name to the pattern in the properties box on the top left.
    Note, EPANET is very sensitive with object naming. Do not use special characters. Spaces will be converted to "_" in the INP file generated by the command EPANETEXPORT and the name must be limited to 31 characters
  2. In the table on the left, enter the values to create the pattern. Note that you can change the column order, but the graph will be the same.
  3. Depending on the type of pattern, the graph will behave in one way. It may also be that the data reported in the table generate invalid curves. In this case, the Priority property will appear with the icon

See also:

Note: To be able to Use this command, a license is required. Otherwise, you will only be able to view the properties.