Solids Builder - Region
Region - creates a region given a list of curves:
It is used to create closed plane figures with straight, arc or ellipse segments. Facilitates creation of solids by extrusion
The Region activity has the following properties:
- Identification
- Name - name of the activity
The line name must follow the naming rules
- Object Visible - indicates whether or not the point should be drawn in the preview:
- Description - description of the created object, so the name is not too long
- Lines to Join - list of curves (line, arc, polyline, etc)
The Region activity requires a curve list editor.
This editor is the same as the activity
The buttons have the following functions:
Move to Top - moves the selected items to the top of the list
Up - moves the selected items up by one position
Down - moves the selected items down by one position
Move to Bottom - moves the selected items to the bottom of the list
Add - adds the items selected from the left list (available points) to the right list (used points)
Remove - removes selected items from the list on the right (used points)
Select All - selects all items
Invert Selection - inverts the list selection
- Apply - applies the list selection to the activity.
To have it drawn with the chosen items, click on this button
If the text gets too big/small, or the sphere that represents the point gets too big or small, use the buttons ( A, a,
) at the top of the screen to change the preview
Properties (for use in VB expressions)
implements the properties of regions
Methods (for use in VB expressions)
implements the methods of regions