Properties defined for Pipes and Structures
See the properties defined for structures and pipes in pipe catalog provided ONLY BY C3DRENESG:
Drainage Structures
The drainage structures possess some properties that apply only to them, such as:
AreaContr - Contribution area
Coef_C - Waterproofing coefficient
Coef_TC - Concentration time
Sewer Structures
Sewer structures have some properties that only apply to it:
ContrIni - Initial contribution
ContrFim - Final Contribution
These properties are available on the structures and properties can be included in the labels:
The pipes have specific properties for excavation:
Berço - Settlement
LargVala - Trench width
TaludeVala - Ditch slope
In the case of sewer pipes:
CoefUtil - Coefficient of use.
TqDg - Pipe down, which is an acronym: DG to step, or TQ paw down-pipe.
See Sewer Structures.
After the worksheet has been calculated, you can still display the labels of the
pipe properties:
Flow - Flow rate
LaminaEsc - water height
Velocidade - Flow speed
The pipe is possible to calculate and show skew pipe, using the command
CCalcEsconsidade, define two properties:
EsconsidadeTubo - skew angle between 0 and 90 degrees
Lado - skew side, right or left
These properties are available:
All these properties can be viewed using the
CLIST command.