Sewer Structures

This text is based on the Manual of Sanitation Works, made by SANEPAR, sanitation company in the state of Paraná, and can be seen in its entirety on

It is a device placed at the beginning of a collection network, always and exclusively on the ride, and allows the introduction of equipment for unblocking it.

As shown in the drawing below the TL comprises a bow pipes 90 and a cap of the same material and concrete. The diameter of the pieces is always equal to the network. The curve must be supported by a structural concrete block, the concrete cap must also be supported on a non-structural concrete layer, 10 cm thick, so as not transmit effort to the pipes.

See drawing No. 06 and 07

terminals (TL) may be ceramic or PVC

In the sewage collection networks, when the difference in elevation between the pipe and the arrival in structure output exceeds 70 cm, is used the down-pipe, which is a pipe that comes straight from a pipe tributary. This derivation is performed with the aid of a "T" followed by a pipe placed vertically and deeper end, a 90 ° allowing the entry of the liquid LW. The parts will always be of the same diameter as that of the network. The curve 90 is surrounded by a non-structural concrete block, as shown in the drawing.

See drawing No. 08

The C3DRENESG does not put (yet) automatically indication down-pipe in plan or profile, it will be done until the next update
The downpipes may be ceramic or PVC is always a single material.

A manway consists primarily of:
  1. Working chamber (chamber) where they are located:
  2. Camera access (chimney) - located on the working chamber with circular cross-section and in plan dimension less than or equal to the working chamber. When the dimension is less than the working chamber, will be located generally at an eccentric position ;
  3. Slab intermediate reduction - is used when there is difference between the working chamber and the access serving transition between them ;
  4. Reduction upper slab - located on the ring chamber latter access reducing the aperture diameter of 80 cm to 60 cm, upon which the cap is seated. View detail of the slabs armor reduction intermediate and higher in drawings No. 11 and 12
  5. Cap - made up of a set of frame and cap itseLAMINA, cast iron or concrete

It aims to connect collectors diameter less than or equal to 400 mm, with nominal height limited to 6.00 m. It coincident chamber and chimney, consisting of rings, which together with the reduction upper slab, are precast in reinforced concrete seated vertically. See drawing No. 17.

It aims to connect collectors diameter greater than 400 mm and less than or equal to 800 mm, or for diameters less than 400 mm when the nominal height exceeds 6.00 m. See drawing No. 17.

It aims to connect collectors diameter less than or equal to 150 mm, with nominal height limited to 6 m. The chamber and chimney are coincident and are executed with rings and reduced slab top precast concrete. Are similar to manholes type A, except for not having the base brickwork. See drawing No. 18.

It aims to connect collectors diameter exceeding 400 mm and less than or equal to 800 mm, or for diameters less than 400 mm when the nominal height exceeds 6.00 m. See drawing No. 18.

It is an accessory collection network, eventual replacement of a manhole, which can be executed in brickwork (drawings No. 19 and 20) and/or concrete rings (Sketch No 21 and 22), when one of the following conditions: To be used one IC, the criteria set forth below should be followed:

should be executed in brickwork of haLAMINA time to connect sewer lines in the following situations: See drawing No. 23.

See also: