Log updates

29/02/2016 - 5070
  1. First English Version

28/02/2016 - 5141
  1. New version of Notaserv

15/04/2016 - 5275
  1. Now the user can choose what to do in cases where the corridor has duplicate Points or Links to generate reports with the Notaserv (thank you Jorge Marques!!!)
  2. Improve the way the Notaserv remembers and fills the columns with the name of the corridor, profile, etc. (thanks lecius !!!)
  3. Add new command: MCORREDOR
  4. Add new command: MCORRSURF

15/06/2016 - 5715
  1. Now, NOTASERV2 can add columns with math expressions to be evaluated

13/01/2017 - 6510
  1. Updates on NOTASERV2     
    1. Added the node Sections / Surfaces to process the surface sections
    2. Added the node Sections / Materials to process the Materials List
    3. Improved compatibility with NTSV files from previous versions, now the way the column does not exist, it is created
    4. Added the node Intersections (thanks lecius !!!), to process intersections with other alignments
    5. Added the node Alignments / Surface Elevation to inform the elevation at surface
    6. Fixed links steepness signal
    7. Improved treatment of early cuttings and end of the line, not to show errors when formatting
    8. Added Us Geometry Points for alignments, profiles, superelevation
    9. Improved Overview on the Superelevations
    10. Improved the appearance of various icons on the screen of the program
    11. Improved handling of merged cells
    12. Improved performance in processing of corridors   
    14. Improved the function to select items on the screen, when you click the button in combobox
    15. Improved expressions editor appearance
    16. Added tips to properties    
  3. New command: MSAMPLELINE (lecius !!!), to create SampleLineGroup in various alignments at the same time
  5. Added column to layer selection in MCORREDOR and MCORRSURF
  7. Program code optimization in general

23/02/2017 - 6660
  1. New command: MSAMPLELINE - to create multiple sample line groups
  2. New command: MMATERIAL - to create multiple material list in sample line groups

2018-05-16 - 7040
  1. Add support to Civil 3D 2018
  2. Bug fixes with elevations on the command SETELEVSECTIONVIEW
  3. Improved error handling on command NOTASERV2

2018-12-13 - 8760
  1. Add support to Civil 3D 2019
  2. Command added: ADDSLOPEPATTERN to add slope pattern on corridors, using de codes N1, N2, N3... Created by TBN2NET assemblies
  3. Command added: REMOVESLOPEPATTERN to remove slope pattern from corridors
  4. Command added: MERGECORRIDORS to merge two or more corridor in one
  5. Command added: SETWIDTHSECVIEW to limit section view width based on surfaces that samples
  6. Including options to add geometry and superelevation stations to MSAPLELINE command, thank you lecius !!
  7. Including alignment information processed to NOTASERV2
  8. CSONDAGEM replaced with a better version
  9. Including the LIGAPROF command with improved version

2019-07-26 - 8865
  1. Bug fix in import borehole styles of CSONDAGEM plugin
  2. Add support to Civil 3D 2020
  3. Add command MBANDSET, to redefine BandSet in multiple profileviews
  4. Add command MERGECORRIDORS, to merge multiple corridors in one

2019-07-26 - 8865
  1. Support for civil 3d 2010,2011,2012,2013 has ended

2020-04-24 - 8965
  1. Added dry PI check when calculating deflection and center angle in NOTASERV2
  2. Added new command: MPROFHATCH - to create profile hatches om multiple profileviews

2021-03-06 - 9015
  1. Added support to Civil 3D 2021
  2. Added new options on LIGAPROF options

2021-10-29 - 9072
  1. Added support to Civil 3D 2022
  2. Added menu and ribbon for the LIGAPROF command