Drainage pipes
Currently, the catalog includes:
BSTC - Simple Tubular Concrete Culvert, or round pipe
BDTC - Double Tubular Concrete Culvert, or double gallery
When using this pipe, the capacity is doubled and the section for calculating the water height, the flow rate flowing is divided by two.
BTTC - Tubular Concrete Culvert Triple, triple or gallery
When using this pipe, the Capacity section is folded and the calculation of the water height, the flow leaking is divided by three.
BSRC - Simple Rectangular Concrete Culvert, phone or gallery
BDRC - Double Rectangular Concrete Culvert, double cell or gallery
When using this gallery, the Capacity section is folded and the calculation of the water height, the flow leaking is divided by two.
BTRC - Triple Rectangular Concrete Culvert, or triple cell gallery
When using this gallery, the Capacity section is tripled and the calculation of the water height, the flow leaking is divided by three.
TLSC - Tunnel liner
TLDC - Tunnel double liner
Note: that you must have in these parts list PartFamily so that they appear on the worksheet.
In general, the Manning coefficient is 0.015, but you can assign any value to it.
If you need new dimensions for these PartFamily, just follow this tutorial: Add/Remove diameters
See also: