Land uses are categories of development activities or land surface features assigned to Subcatchments. Examples of land use activities are residential, commercial, industrial and underdeveloped. Land surface features may include roofs, lawns, paved roads, undisturbed soils, etc. Land uses are used solely to account for spatial variation in Pollutant Buildup and leaching rates within of the Subcatchments.
The SWMM user has many options for defining land uses and assigning them to subcatchment areas. One approach is to assign a combination of land uses to each sub-Catchment, which results in all land uses within the sub-Catchment having the same permeable and impermeable characteristics. Another approach is to create subcatchments that have a single land use classification along with a distinct set of permeable and impermeable characteristics that reflect the classification.
The following processes can be defined for each land use category:
A land use object has the following properties: