The command SWMMHYDROLOGY create and edit items related to hydrology in SWMM

To use, call SWMMHYDROLOGY from the command line, menu, toolbar, or Ribbon

On this screen you can:

When clicking the button New, you will be asked to choose the type of item to create:

There are 4 types of items in hydrology:

  1. Rain Gages - provides rainfall data for one or more subcatchment areas within a study region
  2. Aquifers - zones of sub-surface groundwater used to model the vertical movement of water infiltrating the Subcatchments above them
  3. Snow Pack - contains parameters characterizing Snow Pack, removal and melting without subcatchments
  4. Unit Hydrographs - estimate rainfall dependent Inflow/infiltration (RDII)

The property editor looks like this for the first three items:

Unit Hydrographs have a different editor compared to other items:

It's a good idea to look at the help page for each item to better understand its properties

Note: To be able to Use this command, a license is required. Otherwise, you will only be able to view the pre-existing data.