SWMM - Rain Gages
Rain Gages provide rainfall data for one or more subcatchment areas within a study region.
The precipitation data can be a user-defined time series or come from an external file.
Several popular rain file formats currently in use are supported, as well as a user-defined default format.
When creating a new rain gage, provide the following properties:
- Identification
- Description - Use a friendly description when the item name is not enough
- Name - name of the item
Avoid names that are too long, or that contain the following characters: '*', '>', '<', '/', '\', '"', ':', ';', '|', '=', '`', '#', ',', '?'
- Priority - Information about the current state of the item. It might be:
Neutral: no problem
Critical: Some issue that prevents the item from being calculated or used
- Rain Data - Rain data source
It might be:
- Dat File - provide the file name of rain data
- Time Series - provide the name of the time series describing the rain gage data
- Snow Factor - Factor that corrects meter readings for snowfall
- Precipitation Format - Format in which rainfall data is provided
It might be:
- INTENSITY - each rainfall value is an average rate in inches/hour (or mm/hour) over the log interval
- VOLUME - each rain value is the amount of rain that fell in the recording interval (in inches or millimeters)
- CUMULATIVE - each precipitation value represents the cumulative precipitation that has occurred since the beginning of the last series of non-zero values (in inches or millimeters)
- Rainfall Interval - Recording time interval between meter readings
- Location - Point of Insertion - in SWMM informs the coordinates of the pluviometer
- Tag - Optional category or classification