The command SWMMCONTROLS creates and edits SWMM control rules.

In SWMM, these controls are edited on this screen:

To use, call SWMMCONTROLS from the command line, menu, toolbar, or Ribbon

Will it be? screen shown:

To create control rules, the editor has 4 frames, namely:

  1. Variables - Create/edit variables
    Variables are a way to simplify writing and extend the use of arithmetic expressions to control rules
    In the variables frame, click:
  2. Expressions - Create/edit expressions
    Arithmetic expressions are used to obtain calculated values to be compared in control rules
    In the expression frame, click:
  3. Rules - Create/edit control rules
    Control rules are collections of condition/action that allow you to control certain features of the operation of the network
    In the rules frame, click:
  4. Clauses - Creates/edits the clauses of a control rule
    The clauses have conditions and actions that are executed or not during the simulation, allowing to vary the behavior of the network
    In the clauses frame, click:

Some remarks

Note: To be able to use this command, a license is required. required. If not, you will be eligible. only   view the properties.