In addition to a simple condition placed in a single variable, a control condition clause can also contain an arithmetic expression consisting of several variables whose value is compared. Thus, the format of a condition clause can be extended as follows:
EXPRESSION relation value
EXPRESSION relation variable
Where the expression is defined on a separate line before its first use in a rule using the format:
EXPRESSION name = f(variable1, variable2, ...)
The f(...) function can be any well-formed mathematical expression containing one or more named variables, as well as any of the following (case-insensitive) mathematical functions and operators:
Here is an example of using this feature:
VARIABLE P1_flow = LINK 1 FLOW VARIABLE P2_flow = LINK 2 FLOW VARIABLE O3_flow = Link 3 FLOW EXPRESSION Net_Inflow = (P1_flow + P2_flow)/2 - O3_flow EXPRESSION Test = asin( sin(P1_flow) + sin(P2_flow)))/2 - O3_flow RULE 1 IF Net_Inflow > 0.1 THEN ORIFICE 3 SETTING = 1 ELSE ORIFICE 3 SETTING = 0.5
On SOLIDOS (command SWMMCONTROLS) , the expressions are created in the table below:
Veja também: Regras Controles do SWMM