Solids Builder - Set Variable
Set Variable - assigns a value to a variable
(created by activity
Define Variable) predefined:
The Set Variable activity has the following properties:
- Name - name of the activity
Note that the name here does not need to follow the naming rules
- Visible Object - when the variable is a geometry (point, line, solid) it may or may not be drawn in the preview
- Variable Name - chosen from the list of variables created before the Set Variable
Note, only variables existing at the time of value redefinition can be used
- Value - any value, Visual Basic expression that is evaluated for the informed type, examples:
- Double: 0.5 (the decimal separator is the dot (.))
- Int32: 54
- String: "TEXT"
- VB expressions a VB expression, examples:
- Width + Wall
Assuming they are two variables or parameters
- Line.StartPoint
assuming that Line is an GeometryCurve
- Math.Cos(Angle)
Assuming that Angle is a variable that contains an angle given in radians
- True
Assuming the type is a Boolean
- A*X^2+B*X*C
Equations must be well written!
(the above equation is different from: A*x² + B*x + C)