Parts list
The Parts List is created with the command CreateNetworkPartsList:
will open this screen:
Give a name for the Parts List, eg DRAINAGE
In the Pipes tab, click the right mouse button on "New Parts List", then "Add part family"
On the screen that opens, PART CATALOG, choose the pipe, check it and click OK:
Note: that the list of pipes available are those provided by C3DRENESG:
BSTC (simple tubular concrete culvert)
BSRC (simple rectangular concrete culvert)
Now, click the right mouse button on the name of the pipe and choose "Add part size...
this screen should appear as the most common commercial diameters:
Click the box in the "Add all Sizes", as shown, if you want to add all
and repeat for each add.
If you are using the catalog supplied with the C3DRENESG program,
define correct values for:
Manning coefficient, the worksheet appears in the column NMAN
Slope of the ditch, column TALVALA
Ditch width, column VALA
Settlement, column BERCO
Coefficient of use, only sewage, is the column CUTIL
Otherwise, errors will appear in the spreadsheet related to these values.
Regarding types, one can choose a unique style to all pipes, or one for each.
If during the calculation you replace a pipe, this will be set to all properties that are in the parts list.
This includes style and rules.
Now click the tab "Structures":
Check the STRUCTURES you're interested:
Now, click the right mouse button on a frame and choose "Add part size...
Choose the dimensions, and click OK.
Detail: choose the dimensions of ALL structures that will use because only they will appear under the buttons replacement of pipes and structures.
If you are using the catalog supplied with the C3DRENESG program, choose correct values:
Drainage network
Contribution area, in spreadsheet corresponds to AREA
Other columns, that depend on the TE (concentration time) column
Initial contribution, in the spreadsheet corresponds CINI
Contribution final, CFIM column
Thus, the spreadsheet will have fewer values to correct with respect to these parameters.
Set also: