Macro Editor

The macro editor is where you create the macros that generate text to be used in the description, is to fill block attributes, or to create text files.

Usually a descriptive memorial has a well-defined pattern by simply replace numeric values ??in your text. For tables, columns are defined and what changes is only the number of lines. Thus, the editor macro structure a text macros that are replaced by processed values.

For example, if we want a text like this:

Parcel 01 - Start at vertex 10 in the coordinates xx.
And y.

Note that all lots of the subdivision will have similar descriptions, by just changing the batch name and the coordinates of the vertices.

So if we think that a model for this is:

Parcel [Name()] - Start at vertex [StartVertex()] in the coordinates [Coordinate()] 

When you replace [Name()] by "01" and [StartVertex()] by "10" and so on, we will have the desired description.

The appearance of the macro editor is as follows:

Note that it is a basic text editor, with the most commonly used formatting options such as bold, italic, justified. It can also create tables with various editing options such as merging, insert row, column or change the background color.

Thus, each type of element (parcel, site, vertex) has its own set of properties, and each property can be formatted with a formatting type (uppercase, lowercase, written pro extended, or numerically, etc.). So just choose the property that you want, choose how to format this property and click the Add    

Works like the Civil 3D Label Style Composer and it can edit both regular text and tables